jcubic / jquery.splitter

Plugin that split your content with draggable divider

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Drag & Drop across split

scoobyreid opened this issue · comments

Hi, I tried to drag a draggable (jquery UI) across a split. Seem the object is confined to its split and I won't be able to drag it across the split line. Is there a setting on Splitter for me to drag and drop an object on a div across split line? Thanks.

There is nothing for drag and drop, can you create a demo or jsfiddle with your problem?

Hi Jakub, thank you so much for the response. Attached is my sample. I would like to drag the label from “#dLeftTop” to “#dCenterPane” but the drag can’t go beyond “#dSplitter”. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

From: Jakub Jankiewicz [mailto:notifications@github.com]
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2014 12:56 AM
To: jcubic/jquery.splitter
Cc: scoobyreid
Subject: Re: [jquery.splitter] Drag & Drop across split (#23)

There is nothing for drag and drop, can you create a demo or jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/ ?

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