jcrist / msgspec

A fast serialization and validation library, with builtin support for JSON, MessagePack, YAML, and TOML

Home Page:https://jcristharif.com/msgspec/

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Nested custom extensions

makarr opened this issue · comments


Here's an example that extends msgspec to Numpy arrays:


class NumpyStruct(msgspec.Struct):
    arr: np.ndarray

def enc_hook(obj: Any) -> Any:
    if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
        f = io.BytesIO()
        np.save(f, obj)
        data = f.getvalue()
        return msgspec.msgpack.Ext(NP_NDARRAY_CODE, data)
        raise NotImplementedError(f"Objects of type {type(obj)} are not supported")

def ext_hook(code: int, data: memoryview) -> Any:
    if code == NP_NDARRAY_CODE:
        return np.load(io.BytesIO(data))
        raise NotImplementedError(f"Extension type code {code} is not supported")

enc = msgspec.msgpack.Encoder(enc_hook=enc_hook)
dec = msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(NumpyStruct, ext_hook=ext_hook)

s = NumpyStruct(arr=np.random.rand(8))

msg = enc.encode(s1)
s2 = dec.decode(msg)

np.allclose(s1.arr, s2.arr) # True

(Incidentally I believe this may solve the problem presented in issue 655)

My problem is recursive application of extended types. How to handle the following?

class NumpyStructContainer(msgspec.Struct):
    numpy_structs: list[NumpyStruct]

Nevermind, I was overthinking this. It's as simple as defining a different decoder.

dec = msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(NumpyStructContainer, ext_hook=ext_hook)