jchaffin / .emacs.d

A Emacs configuration with a focus on reproducibility and exploring the literate programming paradigm

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FYI: Org-sidebar changes

alphapapa opened this issue · comments


FYI, I've recently made significant changes to org-sidebar. I saw your custom sidebar in your config, so here's a way to do the same sidebar with the new version:

(defun org-course-sidebar (course)
   :sidebars (make-org-sidebar
              :name (concat "To-do items in " course)
              :description (concat "To-do items in " course)
              :items (org-ql (expand-file-name
                              (concat "~/Dropbox/courses/" course "/" course ".org"))
                       (and (not (done))
                            (or (deadline <=)
                                (scheduled <=))
                            (not (tags "optional")))
                       :markers t)
              :super-groups '((:name "❗️Overdue" :scheduled past :deadline past)
                              (:name " Today" :scheduled today :deadline today)))))

Then you could call it like:

(org-course-sidebar "math")

Hope this helps. :) Please let me know if you have any feedback. I'd like to get it published to MELPA, but I haven't had much feedback from users yet.
