jcgoette / baby_buddy_homeassistant

This custom integration provides sensors for Baby Buddy API endpoints.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Connecting issue

MaikelvdB07 opened this issue · comments

Please help me out.

I've deployed the Baby Buddy on Heroku, but when I try to integrate it in Home Assistant it asks for a host and API.

What do I enter as the host?

It keeps saying that it can't connect when I enter the URL.

Thanks in advance!

Go to your user settings within BB. Copy and paste the entire URL here.

Also, the API key will be at the bottom of this same screen.

Thanks, but still get invalid autentication.

So the URL is ..../users/settings?

No, try babybuddy-hms.herokuapp.com as host and 443 as port.

Thank you so much!!

I've tried babybuddy-hms.herokuapp.com and https://babybuddy-hms.herokuapp.com with port 443 and my API key.
Now I get error 'failed to connect'

Got it. Thank you 👍

Edit: Got it work via https:// interface of HA instead of local.

Did you ever get it to work? Im currently running into the same issues. Ive tried every possible combination of the host / port / api key