jcgoette / baby_buddy_homeassistant

This custom integration provides sensors for Baby Buddy API endpoints.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Do not call update(] in constructor, use add_entities(devices, True) instead

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in constructor, use add_entities(devices, True) instead

# TODO: Do not call update() in constructor, use add_entities(devices, True) instead

    if not ssl:
        _LOGGER.warning("Use of HTTPS in production environment is highly recommended")

    baby_buddy = BabyBuddyData(address, api_key, ssl, sensor_type)

    if not baby_buddy.form_address():

    # TODO: Do not call update() in constructor, use add_entities(devices, True) instead

    sensors = []
    for data in baby_buddy.data:
        sensors.append(BabyBuddySensor(data, baby_buddy))

    add_entities(sensors, False)

    # TODO: handle loading of children
    def services_children_add(call):
