jcgoette / baby_buddy_homeassistant

This custom integration provides sensors for Baby Buddy API endpoints.

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Failed to connect using HomeAssistant Addon + NabuCasa

rdariolemes opened this issue · comments

Hello Team,

I have installed Baby Buddy as a HomeAssistant Addon and configured it as follows.


I'm able to login to Baby Buddy addon on the left pane but having lots of issues when trying to set up integration. I keep getting failed to connect no matter what configuration i do.


I read all the issues on this repo and tried all the proposed solutions but nothing works. Any assistance would be highly appreciated.

I don't know much about this and you'll probably have better luck posting in one of the bigger old issues.

But, right off the bat, you have the add-on exposing port 8888 and the integration setup with port 8000.

When i get the error it defaults to port 8000. I'm configuring port 8888 before i submitting the form

Are you using Nabu Casa?

@jcgoette , yes sir.

See this?

#130 (comment)

Tried this already and no luck!!!

I really need to create an issue template to help myself remember – any relevant logs?

I really need to create an issue template to help myself remember – any relevant logs?

see below

graceful_timeout: 30 keepalive: 2 limit_request_line: 4094 limit_request_fields: 100 limit_request_field_size: 8190 reload: False reload_engine: auto reload_extra_files: [] spew: False check_config: False print_config: False preload_app: False sendfile: None reuse_port: False chdir: /app/babybuddy daemon: False raw_env: [] pidfile: None worker_tmp_dir: /dev/shm user: 0 group: 0 umask: 0 initgroups: False tmp_upload_dir: None secure_scheme_headers: {'X-FORWARDED-PROTOCOL': 'ssl', 'X-FORWARDED-PROTO': 'https', 'X-FORWARDED-SSL': 'on'} forwarded_allow_ips: [''] accesslog: None disable_redirect_access_to_syslog: False access_log_format: %(h)s %(l)s %(u)s %(t)s "%(r)s" %(s)s %(b)s "%(f)s" "%(a)s" errorlog: - loglevel: debug capture_output: False logger_class: gunicorn.glogging.Logger logconfig: None logconfig_dict: {} logconfig_json: None syslog_addr: udp://localhost:514 syslog: False syslog_prefix: None syslog_facility: user enable_stdio_inheritance: False statsd_host: None dogstatsd_tags: statsd_prefix: proc_name: None default_proc_name: babybuddy.wsgi pythonpath: None paste: None on_starting: <function OnStarting.on_starting at 0x7fdd2abcb600> on_reload: <function OnReload.on_reload at 0x7fdd2abcb740> when_ready: <function WhenReady.when_ready at 0x7fdd2abcb880> pre_fork: <function Prefork.pre_fork at 0x7fdd2abcb9c0> post_fork: <function Postfork.post_fork at 0x7fdd2abcbb00> post_worker_init: <function PostWorkerInit.post_worker_init at 0x7fdd2abcbc40> worker_int: <function WorkerInt.worker_int at 0x7fdd2abcbd80> worker_abort: <function WorkerAbort.worker_abort at 0x7fdd2abcbec0> pre_exec: <function PreExec.pre_exec at 0x7fdd2abe8040> pre_request: <function PreRequest.pre_request at 0x7fdd2abe8180> post_request: <function PostRequest.post_request at 0x7fdd2abe8220> child_exit: <function ChildExit.child_exit at 0x7fdd2abe8360> worker_exit: <function WorkerExit.worker_exit at 0x7fdd2abe84a0> nworkers_changed: <function NumWorkersChanged.nworkers_changed at 0x7fdd2abe85e0> on_exit: <function OnExit.on_exit at 0x7fdd2abe8720> ssl_context: <function NewSSLContext.ssl_context at 0x7fdd2abe8900> proxy_protocol: False proxy_allow_ips: [''] keyfile: None certfile: None ssl_version: 2 cert_reqs: 0 ca_certs: None suppress_ragged_eofs: True do_handshake_on_connect: False ciphers: None raw_paste_global_conf: [] strip_header_spaces: False [2023-10-01 20:42:10 -0400] [206] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 21.2.0 [2023-10-01 20:42:10 -0400] [206] [DEBUG] Arbiter booted [2023-10-01 20:42:10 -0400] [206] [INFO] Listening at: (206) [2023-10-01 20:42:10 -0400] [206] [INFO] Using worker: gthread [2023-10-01 20:42:10 -0400] [245] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 245 [2023-10-01 20:42:10 -0400] [246] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 246 [2023-10-01 20:42:10 -0400] [206] [DEBUG] 2 workers [20:42:11] INFO: �[32mStarting NGINX...�[0m [2023-10-02 00:42:11 +0000] [245] [DEBUG] Ignored premature client disconnection. 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Have you been able to access the BB add-on via the web UI? If not, this is an issue for that repo, not this one.

I can login to the add-on without any issues

Then I need logs from the integration, not the addon.

Then I need logs from the integration, not the addon.

how can i gather those for u?

Set the BB integration log levels to DEBUG, reload HA, try to setup the integration again, and post any logs from BB integration.