jcesarmobile / ssl-skip

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A few quick questions

BARNZ opened this issue · comments


Thanks for this plugin - works great for testing some https specific functions like GPS and getUserMedia.

Just had a few questions:

  • How come this plugin is needed and the EnableHttpsSelfSigned class that comes with capacitor doesn't seem to do the job? Have I missed something here?
  • Do you know of an easy way to avoid loading this plugin when it comes time to build for prod? Or is manual removal of the plugin the only option?

Capacitor doesn’t come with a EnableHttpsSelfSigned class, not sure what you are talking about.

capacitor 3 allows to list the plugins you want to use with the includePlugins array (see https://capacitorjs.com/docs/config ) so you could use environment variables to use some plugins for development and other plugins for production, this way you could skip the ssl-skip in production. Other than that, I think manually u installing would be the other way to go.