jcefmaven / jcefmaven

Maven artifacts for JCef

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[ENH] Build instructions

aalku opened this issue · comments

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I am using jcefmaven as user and I am trying to contribute a tiny feature to jcef but there seem to be many steps from editing jcef to use the new release with jcefmaven so I can, at least, test it and I'm lost in them.

Describe the solution you'd like
I'd like instructions to make a custom release of jcefmaven so I can try my internal releases before publishing (pull-request).

Describe alternatives you've considered
I've considered to learn how to use jcef without jcefmaven but it doesn't look easy.

Additional context
I wish to use respose.setCharset() but but it isn't exposed. I'd like to try this changes I made: chromiumembedded/java-cef@master...aalku:java-cef:master

I've made a Windows amd64 binary release with jcefbuild but I don't know how to use the binary release with jcefmaven. It seems I need to make a jcef-api artifact based on it and then a jcefmaven artifact or maybe your scripts do both at once. I don't know how.

I've got this issue on java-cef: chromiumembedded/java-cef#461
But I'd like to test my changes and then make a pull request.

Creating the artifact is relatively easy if you already have a jcefbuild. You simply start the jcefmaven pipeline, but you will need to point the pipeline to the download of your build info json file provided by jcefbuild. You can remove all sonatype (maven) pushing steps of your jcefmaven fork to not run into build errors this way. Then you can use the normal jcefmaven jar and set a new download path for the natives to link to your just created natives on github (they appear in the release and can be downloaded from there).

I'm sorry but I don't know what you mean with "start the jcefmaven pipeline". 😅 Or how to do it. If you mean running a script I don't know which one or with what arguments.

Eg. https://github.com/jcefmaven/jcefmaven/blob/master/generate_artifacts.sh What's build_meta_url? I guess mvn_version is the maven version to use in generated pom files. 3.x or whatever.

Thanks for your help <3

EDIT: Ok, I think I know what you mean. You mean with GitHub Actions. I don't speak GitHub Actions. 😅
I guess your build tools are made to be used that way and not by hand.

I will have to learn GitHub Actions some day and then run the jcefbuild actions and then the jcefmaven actions.

Thanks again!

The github actions also only run a script. Basically they only run https://github.com/jcefmaven/jcefmaven/blob/master/generate_artifacts.sh, which you can run in WSL if you like :)

I just suggest running with github actions, because it takes the hassle from you to have to set up components on your PC.

Hi! Thanks a lot!

When I said y had built jcefbuild I meant in my computer only for my architecture. Now I did it in GitHub so I got a release published.

In GitHub actions jcefbuild complains about several missing jars:
generate-artifacts | [ERROR] The specified file '/jcefout/jogl-all-v2.4.0-rc-20210111.jar' not exists

Then it said it succedded but important artifacts were missing from the release.

But in WSL it succeded building them! Thank you for your help!

Actually no. It didn't build right either. 😅

Ok, I got to build the API jar by hand and with that I made it work.
the jcef-api-jcef-1dbf828+cef-119.4.7+g55e15c8+chromium-119.0.6045.199-sources.jar (sources) file was ok but the generated jcef-api-jcef-1dbf828+cef-119.4.7+g55e15c8+chromium-119.0.6045.199.jar was 1KB only, with no classes. 🤷🏻‍♂️🥺

With that I could test my code. Finally!! And it works. So I'm going to send a pull request to jcef.

Thanks again for your help!