jcefmaven / jcefmaven

Maven artifacts for JCef

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jh2310 opened this issue · comments

Hello, I listened to your suggestion the other day to use cookiemanager, but I passed a cefrequestcontext object to createbrowser, which has a cefrequestcontexthadler object. This object has a method that can get the cookiemanager, and then I used the method I created. However, when I call it, I will not call this custom cookiemanager. What is the possible reason, I'd appreciate it if you could help me with the answer


I would assume that the cookiemanager doesnt actually get called from cef, but the cookiemanager calls cef. This means that you probably cant alter the implementation of the cookiemanager. You can however delete and add back cookies how you wish. So you could potentially swap cookies before you create a new request in another window. If you want to discuss with other users of this library I'd recommend using the discussion section instead of the issues for the future, or use the jcef forum (linked to by the main jcef project - give it a try). :)