jcefmaven / jcefbuild

Builds for JCef

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unable to build mac without signing

ctadlock opened this issue · comments

After forking the repro, I commented out the build script to not codesign mac and ran the GitHub action, but its not generating output.

Warning: No files were found with the provided path: out/binary_distrib.tar.gz. No artifacts will be uploaded.

Forked changes: master...GoToTags:jcefbuild:master

Failed job: https://github.com/GoToTags/jcefbuild/actions/runs/4309458675/jobs/7516874195


I sadly can not view the output of your build as I can not expand the categories. Can you please append a paste of the raw log here?

Here is the log..



The output looks fine. Your issue is probably only that you commented the cd instruction that is also valid for subsequent archiving commands here: master...GoToTags:jcefbuild:master#diff-6d00fbc6f9d4551a5e270a0b8a2a9328e7a654b20781717504a1e947ba41a062L73 (line 73 in compile_macosx.sh)

If you uncomment it, everything should probably be working :)

That fixed it. thank you.


You're welcome :)

FYI, been working with the Conveyor team to get JCEF working with packaged Conveyor apps.



This looks nice. Once you feel you have reached a production-ready state, make sure to give me a nudge so I can mention the packaging option in the jcefmaven readme :)


Ah and btw: JCefMaven includes a class to retrieve the current operating system automatically, without matching any character sets manually. You could also use it in your init code:

EnumPlatform platform = EnumPlatform.getCurrentPlatform();
EnumOS os = platform.getOs();

Will do. Conveyor handles all the codesigning and notorization which is why I need to have jcefbuild not do that work.

We will be using this in the GoToTags Desktop App

Its for an important feature, to have control over the browser when an nfc/qr/rfid tag is scanned, so mutliple windows arent opened:


Is it unsupported under macos to embed components with a different signature? As far as I am aware including structures that are signed by a different vendor should work totally fine, so my signed stuff should theoretically (as long as conveyor is not an issue) work.

It looks like a nice app to integrate a small webbrowser. I think that html5 interfaces are the future in application development anyways :)