jbrooksuk / node-summary

Node module that summarizes text using a naive summarization algorithm

Home Page:http://jbrooksuk.github.io/node-summary/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Publish node-summary 1.0.0 to Npmjs.org

olragon opened this issue · comments


First, love your work with node-summary.
Second, I think that you forgot to publish node-summary 1.0.0 to Npmjs.org. Can you do this? I use node-summary with Meteor, since Meteor can just depends on extract version in npmjs.org (not git url and branch).

Thank you.

Thanks for your kind words @olragon.

You're absolutely correct, I completely forgot to push the changes to NPM. I'll push the changes there right now and I'll let you know when they've reflected online.

Again, thanks!

@olragon I've published 1.0.0 to the NPM registry and it should update shortly. Thanks for pointing this out!