jbogard / Respawn

Intelligent database cleaner for integration tests

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Use `TRUNCATE TABLE` with Sql Server

giggio opened this issue · comments

If we truncate the tables the performance should be better, as no logs are written.


It is supported in all supported Sql Server versions.

My understanding is that all we need is to change this line, right?

builder.AppendLine($"DELETE {table.GetFullName(QuoteCharacter)};");

Truncate table requires elevated rights and all constraints must be removed.

The README mentions truncation:

In benchmarks, a deterministic deletion of tables is faster than truncation, since truncation requires disabling or deleting foreign key constraints.

Also the blog post touches on truncation vs deletion: https://lostechies.com/jimmybogard/2013/06/18/strategies-for-isolating-the-database-in-tests/

Based on the research and benchmarks the maintainer has performed, DELETE seems like the faster approach.