jbclements / sxml

Oleg Kiselyov's sxml/ssax/sxpath/sxslt libraries (racket-specific)

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sxml:content not working when node has attributes

lawrencewoodman opened this issue · comments

sxml:content returns an empty list when the node passed to it contains attributes, and hence in the following code the last two tests fail:

#lang racket

(require rackunit
         (planet clements/sxml2:1:=3))

(check-equal? (sxml:content '(td fred)) '((fred)))
(check-equal? (sxml:content '(td (@ (class center)) fred)) '((fred)))
(check-equal? (sxml:content '(td (@ (id center)) fred)) '((fred)))

Ignore as I didn't realize that fred in the source should be in quotes.

Thanks for the report, though!