jazzband / djangorestframework-simplejwt

A JSON Web Token authentication plugin for the Django REST Framework.

Home Page:https://django-rest-framework-simplejwt.readthedocs.io/

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Library does not automatically verify that the token hasn't been tampered with

Ichicoro opened this issue Β· comments

I have to report a (quite big) issue/vulnerability, assuming it's not misconfiguration on our end πŸ˜…

It seems that the library doesn't do verification of the JWT's signature. I tampered with one token's payload and used it as my Bearer token (without correctly regenerating the signature, I just left it the same as it was before) and the library validated my forged token. I even tried having different SIGNING_KEY and VERIFYING_KEY and the Django application worked flawlessly, so there definitely is no verification of the validity of the token.

I fixed this by overriding our authentication class with a custom-made one that inherits JWTCookieAuthentication

import jwt
from dj_rest_auth.app_settings import api_settings
from dj_rest_auth.jwt_auth import JWTCookieAuthentication
from django.conf import settings
from rest_framework.exceptions import AuthenticationFailed
from rest_framework_simplejwt import settings as jwt_settings

class FixedJWTCookieAuthentication(JWTCookieAuthentication):
    def authenticate(self, request):
        cookie_name = api_settings.JWT_AUTH_COOKIE
        header = self.get_header(request)
        if header is None:
            if cookie_name:
                raw_token = request.COOKIES.get(cookie_name)
                # True at your own risk
                elif raw_token is not None and api_settings.JWT_AUTH_COOKIE_USE_CSRF:
                return None
            raw_token = self.get_raw_token(header)

        if raw_token is None:
            return None

        verifying_key = jwt_settings.api_settings.user_settings.get("VERIFYING_KEY")
        if verifying_key is None:
            verifying_key = jwt_settings.api_settings.user_settings.get("SIGNING_KEY")
        if verifying_key is None:
            verifying_key = settings.SECRET_KEY

            validated_token = jwt.decode(raw_token, verifying_key, algorithms=["HS256"])
        except jwt.InvalidSignatureError:
            raise AuthenticationFailed("Invalid JWT signature")
        except jwt.ExpiredSignatureError:
            raise AuthenticationFailed("JWT signature has expired")
        except jwt.DecodeError:
            raise AuthenticationFailed("Error decoding JWT")
        except:  # noqa E722
            raise AuthenticationFailed("Invalid JWT token")

        return self.get_user(validated_token), validated_token

well shit

@robd003 thanks for pinging me. let's start the the filed CVE in your comment (which I'll repost in the dup issue):

re: GHSA-5vcc-86wm-547q there's another issue that'll track that: #779

re: this issue, thanks for filing @Ichicoro

This is surprising. I'm not entirely sure what the difference is between your Authentication class and the current one?

The current one runs:

  1. get_validated_token which creates the token class
  2. the constructor of the token class grabs the token backend then runs .decode
  3. The decoder method runs validated_token = jwt.decode(raw_token, verifying_key, algorithms=["HS256"])

I have two questions:

  1. Did you in any way modify your authentication class or use a derivative when pen testing?
  2. How did you modify your token payload?

Sorry if I am stepping in yet @Andrew-Chen-Wang analysis seems to be spot on.

For others to follow:

There is no try catch block in between that would catch / hide one of the errors...

There are of course options why its not workign for @Ichicoro, for example if he overwrote e.g. AUTH_TOKEN_CLASSES and is not calling there the .decode in the constructor or is using a different backend that doesn't validate things.

@Ichicoro could you elaborate on that. Andrew won't be able to fix things if he cannot reproduce things.

I was having a look into this, and i noticed the JWTCookieAuthentication is part of dj_rest_auth rather than this project. @Ichicoro why did you use this instead of the simplejwt JWTAuthentication class?

@stephendwolff dj_rest_auth is designed for SPAs like standalone React. dj_rest_auth utilizes SimpleJWT under the hood. There are multiple possibilities this is happening such as a improper implementation of the actual cookie handoff (though I doubt since it seems OP tested this via an external tool) or misconfiguration as noted by chickahoona.

I'll keep this open for a bit to allow OP to follow up with more code configuration, but I'll have to mark this as invalid as it doesn't seem possible. I definitely think simplejwt blacklist could have an effect as there are a ton of variables (in production, not locally) that have unknown side effects, but this wasn't noted.

@Andrew-Chen-Wang ah ok - thanks for the explanation. I was trying to work out if it was applicable for an API i'm working on for an app (Flutter i think) - i think probably not.

Closing this with no response from OP and improbability of this happening with OOTB SimpleJWT. Feel free to re-open with follow-up details.