jaywcjlove / parcel-plugin-markdown-string

📦@parcel-bundler plugin for loader markdown string, markdown output HTML.

Home Page:https://jaywcjlove.github.io/parcel-plugin-markdown-string

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Doesn't work with node on Windows because of process.env.PWD

lawliet29 opened this issue · comments

The plugin breaks on parsing Markdown files on Windows machine with the following error (full paths omitted):

×  ...\src\...\page.md: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received type undefined
    at assertPath (path.js:39:11)
    at Object.parse (path.js:910:5)
    at Resolver.findPackage (...\node_modules\parcel-plugin-markdown-string\node_modules\parcel-bundler\src\Resolver.js:419:21)
    at MarkdownAsset.parse (...\node_modules\parcel-plugin-markdown-string\MarkdownAsset.js:10:37)
    at MarkdownAsset.parseIfNeeded (...\node_modules\parcel-plugin-markdown-string\node_modules\parcel-bundler\src\Asset.js:63:29)

The problem is env.PWD - apparently, it's always undefined on non-*NIX systems; process.cwd() can be used instead.

I was able to fix the issue by using patch-package with the following change in MarkdownAsset.js:

class MarkdownAsset extends Asset {
     this.type = 'js';
   async parse(markdownString) {
-    const pkg = await this.resolver.findPackage(this.options.env.PWD);
+    const pkg = await this.resolver.findPackage(process.cwd());
     if (pkg && pkg.marked) {
       this.code = marked(markdownString, pkg.marked);
     } else {

Might as well submit a pull request with this fix, if you want :)

released parcel-plugin-markdown-string@1.3.4

@lawliet29 thx!