jaywcjlove / hotkeys-js

➷ A robust Javascript library for capturing keyboard input. It has no dependencies.

Home Page:https://jaywcjlove.github.io/hotkeys-js

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binding detection does not work

artola opened this issue · comments


Multiple keystrokes without release are not properly detected and therefore the shortcut is not fired.

See for example the following Codepen. Here I just try to trap and handle "Cmd+R", when it is not properly detected it is caught Chrome and produces a page reload.

The sequence is:

  • press "Cmd" and do not release
  • press "0" (zero, like reset zoom)
  • press "R" (like reload page)

Use this debug page: https://cdpn.io/pen/debug/gOBvOXr?authentication_hash=ZoABapBwEZGr

The source of this repro: https://codepen.io/artola-the-decoder/pen/gOBvOXr

The expected behaviour is that after a non control key (I mean when a letter, number or symbol) is pressed, the logic should restart.

This sequence executed above: CMD + 0 + R, should be treated as CMD + 0 and CMD + R.

Here the same example refactored with mousetrap and it works as expected: https://codepen.io/artola-the-decoder/pen/zYmRxVB


I have a similar issue:

  • setup, command+left: action1, command+right: action2
  • press command and hold.
  • press left, and release, action1 triggered.
  • press right, system ring a bell warning. action 2 not triggered.

this breaks in v3.10.3, works as expected in v3.10.2

@magicdawn You can reproduce your error. https://codepen.io/jaywcjlove/pen/xxQdNQp?editors=0010

const scope = getScope();

if (_handlers[key][i].key && _handlers[key][i].scope === scope) {



Key sequence

  1. press command and hold.
  2. press left and release, expect you pressed command + left
  3. press right and release, expect you pressed command + right

v3.10.2 works as expected, v3.10.3 step 3 not showing

@magicdawn Upgrade v3.10.4


@jaywcjlove It seems that the fix does not work for the above mentioned example, upgraded to v3.10.4:


@artola https://codepen.io/jaywcjlove/pen/NWEgNqo?editors=1010

import hotkeysJs from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/hotkeys-js@3.10.4";

window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (event) => {
  const button = document.querySelector('button');


  hotkeys('command+r,command+r+0', undefined, (keyboardEvent, hotkeysEvent) => {

    button.innerHTML = "prevented";

    return false;

This sequence executed above: CMD + 0 + R, should be treated as CMD + 0 and CMD + R.

Thanks @jaywcjlove. But look in my original issue, my expectation is:

This sequence executed above: CMD + 0 + R, should be treated as CMD + 0 and CMD + R.

If that is fulfilled, then the code should trap the keystrokes and avoid a page reload without changing the listeners, but it does not:

import hotkeysJs from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/hotkeys-js@3.10.4";

window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (event) => {
  const button = document.querySelector('button');


  hotkeys('command+r', undefined, (keyboardEvent, hotkeysEvent) => {

    button.innerHTML = "prevented";

    return false;


Key sequence

  1. press command and hold.
  2. press left and release, expect you pressed command + left
  3. press right and release, expect you pressed command + right

v3.10.2 works as expected, v3.10.3 step 3 not showing

I have a similar problem:
setup:[cmd+shift+k] and [cmd+shift+b] shortcuts

  1. press [cmd+shift] , and hold them
  2. press k, it worked.
  3. release k and press b, it doesn't work.

I think may be you have fixed problem about [cmd+] but not [cmd+shift+].