jayrbolton / dat-node

Dat Data peer to peer data sharing, node module

Home Page:http://datproject.org

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

dat-node Travis npm

Dat is a decentralized data tool for distributing data and files. dat-node is a node module to help you build node applications with Dat. Do you want to use Dat in the command line? Check out the command line interface at datproject/dat.

Chat with us! #dat IRC channel on freenode datproject/discussions

JavaScript Style Guide

Note: dat-node was previously dat-js

Table of Contents


Share files with Dat:

var Dat = require('dat-node')

var dat = Dat({dir: process.cwd()})
dat.share(function (err) {
  if (err) throw err
  // This may take awhile for large directories
  console.log('Current directory being shared via Dat!')
  console.log('Download via: ', dat.key.toString('hex'))

Download files with Dat:

var Dat = require('dat-node')

// Add download key as the second argument
var dat = Dat({dir: process.cwd(), key: process.argv[2]})
dat.on('download-finished', function (err) {
  if (err) throw err
  console.log('Finished downloading!')


npm install dat-node


Dat-node provides an interface for sharing and downloading files, like we do in the Dat command line tool. Dat-node works great if you want to manage Dat folders in a way that is compatible with the Dat CLI and other Dat tools.

Dat-node works the same way as the command line tool. There are two basic operations:

  • Sharing: share a directory to a key
  • Downloading: download files from a key into a directory

Dat-node will create a .dat folder in the directory you specify with the dir option. This allows you to resume the share or download later using the Dat command line tool, or another Dat-compatible application.

Whenever you initiate Dat you need to specify at least the directory.

var Dat = require('dat-node')
var dat = Dat({dir: 'some-path'})

By default, Dat-node assumes you are creating a new Dat. If you are using a dat created by other user, you need to specify the key too:

var Dat = require('dat-node')
var dat = Dat({dir: 'some-path', key:'some64characterdatkey'})

From there, you can either share or download: dat.share(cb) or dat.download(cb). That's it! Read below for the full API and options.


The main goal of the API is to support the Dat command line tool. The options here should be familiar if you use the command line tool.


  dir: 'downloads/path-to-dir/', // path to share or download to. always required
  key: 'Datkey', // required for downloads
  ignore: ['dir/**', 'files.**'], // ignore files. uses anymatch to check paths
  ignoreHidden: true, // by default ignore all hidden files
  snapshot: false, //: sharing snapshot archive, not used for download
  watchFiles: true, // watch files for changes. Archive needs to be live. Defaults to same value as archive.live.
  discovery: {upload: true, download: true}, // Join swarm and upload/download data. Set to false to disable discovery
  port: 3828, // port to use for discovery-swarm. port value is saved in database for subsequent uses
  utp: true, // use utp for discovery-swarm
  db: level('.dat') // hyperdrive compatible database, uses levelDB .dat folder by default


Download dat.key to dat.dir. Does not callback for live archives.


Share directory specified in opts.dir. Callback fired when all files are added to the drive (files will start being shared as they are added for live archives). The swarm is automatically joined for key when it is available for share & download, specify discovery: false to not join the swarm automatically.


Open is called automatically for share and resume. It may be helpful to call it manually if you want to check for an existing Dat before sharing/downloading. Opens a Dat in the directory. This looks for an existing .dat directory. If .dat directory exists, resumes previous Dat. If not, it will create a new Dat.


Hyperdrive archive instance.


Dat is live. When downloading, this will be set to the true if the remote Dat is live, regardless of snapshot option.


Previous dat resumed. Populated after dat.open.


Options passed on initialization and default options set.


Share Events

  • dat.on('key'): key is available (this is at archive-finalized for snapshots)
  • dat.on('file-counted', stats): file counted, stats is progress file stats
  • dat.on('files-counted', stats): total file count available, this fires before files are added to archive
  • dat.on('file-added', file): file added to archive
  • dat.on('upload', data): piece of data uploaded
  • dat.on('archive-finalized'): archive finalized, all files appended
  • dat.on('archive-updated'): live archive changed

Download Events

  • dat.on('key'): key is available
  • dat.on('file-downloaded', file): file downloaded
  • dat.on('download', data): piece of data downloaded
  • dat.on('upload', data): piece of data uploaded
  • dat.on('download-finished'): archive download finished

Swarm Events

Swarm events and stats are available from dat.swarm.

  • dat.on('connecting'): looking for peers
  • dat.on('swarm-update'): peer connect/disconnect

Internal Stats

Stats we track internally for progress displays. It is not recommended to use these currently.

dat.stats = {
    filesTotal: 0,
    filesProgress: 0,
    bytesTotal: 0, // archive.content.bytes
    bytesProgress: 0, // file import progress
    blocksTotal: 0, // archive.content.blocks
    blocksProgress: 0, // download progress
    bytesUp: 0, // archive.on('upload', data.length)
    bytesDown: 0 // archive.on('download', data.length)


Contributions are welcome! Currently we plan to limit the feature set to features used in the Dat CLI.

Read about contribution and node module development tips in the dat repository.




Dat Data peer to peer data sharing, node module


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%