javivelasco / react-css-themr

Easy theming and composition for CSS Modules.

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Typescript compiler fails when using react css themr with error Default export of the module has or is using private name 'TReactCSSThemrTheme'

sahilgupta202 opened this issue · comments

Typescript Version : 2.4.2
React CSS Themr: 2.1.2

Replication Steps

  1. Create a component that uses themr.
  2. Run the Typescript compiler

It will throw the following error
error TS4082: Default export of the module has or is using private name 'TReactCSSThemrTheme'.
error TS4082: Default export of the module has or is using private name 'ThemedComponentClass'.


Quick fix: just import it ;)

Yes @belohlavek we used that, but that is not a good solution because TS Lint will fail as we are not using them and those will be unsed imports. Also, importing is private member of a library is never good as it may change in future updates.

I've opened a request to fix issues like these in TypeScript by bringing declaration files to parity with language features. microsoft/TypeScript#35822