javiercbk / json_to_dart

Library that generates dart classes from json strings

Home Page:https://javiercbk.github.io/json_to_dart/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Missing Parameter type for 'v',

Sanjay0907 opened this issue · comments

Here is my code

In line 8, I am getting the error " Missing Parameter type 'v' "

`class Delivery_Valets {
List? result;
int? totalCount;

Delivery_Valets({this.result, this.totalCount});

Delivery_Valets.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
if (json['result'] != null) {
result = [];
json['result'].forEach((v) {
result!.add(new Result.fromJson(v));
totalCount = json['totalCount'];

Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
if (this.result != null) {
data['result'] = this.result!.map((v) => v.toJson()).toList();
data['totalCount'] = this.totalCount;
return data;

class Result {
String? sId;
int? phoneNumber;
int? iV;
String? accountStatus;
String? accountType;
List? addresses;
String? createdAt;
Location? location;
String? updatedAt;
String? userType;
Verification? verification;
String? email;
String? gender;
String? name;
Null? profileImageUrl;
String? vehicleType;


Result.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
sId = json['_id'];
phoneNumber = json['phoneNumber'];
iV = json['__v'];
accountStatus = json['accountStatus'];
accountType = json['accountType'];
if (json['addresses'] != null) {
addresses = [];
json['addresses'].forEach((v) {
addresses!.add(new Addresses.fromJson(v));
createdAt = json['createdAt'];
location = json['location'] != null
? new Location.fromJson(json['location'])
: null;
updatedAt = json['updatedAt'];
userType = json['userType'];
verification = json['verification'] != null
? new Verification.fromJson(json['verification'])
: null;
email = json['email'];
gender = json['gender'];
name = json['name'];
profileImageUrl = json['profileImageUrl'];
vehicleType = json['vehicleType'];

Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
data['_id'] = this.sId;
data['phoneNumber'] = this.phoneNumber;
data['__v'] = this.iV;
data['accountStatus'] = this.accountStatus;
data['accountType'] = this.accountType;
if (this.addresses != null) {
data['addresses'] = this.addresses!.map((v) => v.toJson()).toList();
data['createdAt'] = this.createdAt;
if (this.location != null) {
data['location'] = this.location!.toJson();
data['updatedAt'] = this.updatedAt;
data['userType'] = this.userType;
if (this.verification != null) {
data['verification'] = this.verification!.toJson();
data['email'] = this.email;
data['gender'] = this.gender;
data['name'] = this.name;
data['profileImageUrl'] = this.profileImageUrl;
data['vehicleType'] = this.vehicleType;
return data;

class Addresses {
String? name;
Location? location;
String? type;
String? address;
String? landMark;
String? sId;


Addresses.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
name = json['name'];
location = json['location'] != null
? new Location.fromJson(json['location'])
: null;
type = json['type'];
address = json['address'];
landMark = json['landMark'];
sId = json['_id'];

Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
data['name'] = this.name;
if (this.location != null) {
data['location'] = this.location!.toJson();
data['type'] = this.type;
data['address'] = this.address;
data['landMark'] = this.landMark;
data['_id'] = this.sId;
return data;

class Location {
String? type;
List? coordinates;

Location({this.type, this.coordinates});

Location.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
type = json['type'];
coordinates = json['coordinates'].cast();

Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
data['type'] = this.type;
data['coordinates'] = this.coordinates;
return data;

class Verification {
Phone? phone;
Aadhar? aadhar;
BankDetails? bankDetails;
Aadhar? drivingLicense;
Aadhar? pancard;
VehicleNumber? vehicleNumber;
Aadhar? vehicleRC;


Verification.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
phone = json['phone'] != null ? new Phone.fromJson(json['phone']) : null;
aadhar =
json['aadhar'] != null ? new Aadhar.fromJson(json['aadhar']) : null;
bankDetails = json['bankDetails'] != null
? new BankDetails.fromJson(json['bankDetails'])
: null;
drivingLicense = json['drivingLicense'] != null
? new Aadhar.fromJson(json['drivingLicense'])
: null;
pancard =
json['pancard'] != null ? new Aadhar.fromJson(json['pancard']) : null;
vehicleNumber = json['vehicleNumber'] != null
? new VehicleNumber.fromJson(json['vehicleNumber'])
: null;
vehicleRC = json['vehicleRC'] != null
? new Aadhar.fromJson(json['vehicleRC'])
: null;

Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
if (this.phone != null) {
data['phone'] = this.phone!.toJson();
if (this.aadhar != null) {
data['aadhar'] = this.aadhar!.toJson();
if (this.bankDetails != null) {
data['bankDetails'] = this.bankDetails!.toJson();
if (this.drivingLicense != null) {
data['drivingLicense'] = this.drivingLicense!.toJson();
if (this.pancard != null) {
data['pancard'] = this.pancard!.toJson();
if (this.vehicleNumber != null) {
data['vehicleNumber'] = this.vehicleNumber!.toJson();
if (this.vehicleRC != null) {
data['vehicleRC'] = this.vehicleRC!.toJson();
return data;

class Phone {
bool? isVerified;
Otp? otp;

Phone({this.isVerified, this.otp});

Phone.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
isVerified = json['isVerified'];
otp = json['otp'] != null ? new Otp.fromJson(json['otp']) : null;

Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
data['isVerified'] = this.isVerified;
if (this.otp != null) {
data['otp'] = this.otp!.toJson();
return data;

class Otp {
String? expiresAt;
bool? isOtpSent;
String? sentAt;
int? value;

Otp({this.expiresAt, this.isOtpSent, this.sentAt, this.value});

Otp.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
expiresAt = json['ExpiresAt'];
isOtpSent = json['isOtpSent'];
sentAt = json['sentAt'];
value = json['value'];

Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
data['ExpiresAt'] = this.expiresAt;
data['isOtpSent'] = this.isOtpSent;
data['sentAt'] = this.sentAt;
data['value'] = this.value;
return data;

class Aadhar {
String? url;
String? value;

Aadhar({this.url, this.value});

Aadhar.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
url = json['url'];
value = json['value'];

Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
data['url'] = this.url;
data['value'] = this.value;
return data;

class BankDetails {
String? bankIFSC;
String? bankName;
String? url;
String? value;

BankDetails({this.bankIFSC, this.bankName, this.url, this.value});

BankDetails.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
bankIFSC = json['bankIFSC'];
bankName = json['bankName'];
url = json['url'];
value = json['value'];

Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
data['bankIFSC'] = this.bankIFSC;
data['bankName'] = this.bankName;
data['url'] = this.url;
data['value'] = this.value;
return data;

class VehicleNumber {
String? value;


VehicleNumber.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
value = json['value'];

Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = new Map<String, dynamic>();
data['value'] = this.value;
return data;