javascript-obfuscator / react-native-obfuscating-transformer

Obfuscation for React Native bundles

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Please update the version of javascript-obfuscator to 1.3.0 or later

htduy262 opened this issue · comments

I got the issue when bundling the code:
"The number of constructor arguments in the derived class t must be >= than the number of constructor arguments of its base class."

I got node_module/react-native-obfuscating-transformer and change the version of javascript-obfuscator to 1.3.0. Then it works.
Please take some time to upgrade our good library. Thank you very much!

javascript-obfuscator was updated to 2.6.0 about 6 month ago (see #37). Since the maintainer of this library is not maintainig this library anymore you need to checkout yourself and build ("npm run build") and overwrite the resources in your node_modules manually or alternatively deploy the library to an internal repo yourself.

to make it work with current RN (0.64) I've created a PR which made it work. If you still need a working version I would be glad if you could test the new one with your code: #45

To fix this issue, please the maintainer to review and merge my PR
Thank you!