jasontaylordev / NorthwindTraders

Northwind Traders is a sample application built using ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core.

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FromSqlRaw won't work in Application

SuliemanMansouri opened this issue · comments

I am trying to run the following SQL Query in EF Core using FromSqlRaw and key-less entities.

SELECT        Products.Name, ExpiretionDates.InvoiceNumber, 
SUM(CASE WHEN ExpiretionDates.ExpirationDate < GETDATE() THEN ExpiretionDates.Quantity END) AS ExpiredCount, 
SUM(CASE WHEN abs(DATEDIFF(day, ExpiretionDates.ExpirationDate, GETDATE())) <= 30 THEN ExpiretionDates.Quantity END) AS WarningCount, 
SUM(CASE WHEN abs(DATEDIFF(day, ExpiretionDates.ExpirationDate, GETDATE())) >= 30 THEN ExpiretionDates.Quantity END) AS ValidCount
FROM            ExpiretionDates INNER JOIN
                         Products ON ExpiretionDates.ProductId = Products.Id
GROUP BY Products.Name, ExpiretionDates.InvoiceNumber

Because the template is using an interface to the context I can not do that. I tried to reference ApplicationContext directly in my Application project it caused a circular dependency.
Why do we need the Interfaces inside the Application project? shouldn't they be in a separate project? Or is it force the use of the interface instead of the original context?
How do I enable DataBase in my IApplicationContext?
My second option is to use LINQ and my context, here is my code:

public class GetQuantitiesCountByExpiryStatusQuery : IRequest<ProductsVM>
        public int NumberOfDays { get; set; }

        public class GetQuantitiesCountByExpiryStatusQueryHandler : IRequestHandler<GetQuantitiesCountByExpiryStatusQuery, ProductsVM>
            private readonly IApplicationDbContext _context;
            private readonly IMapper _mapper;

            public GetQuantitiesCountByExpiryStatusQueryHandler(IApplicationDbContext context, IMapper mapper)
                _context = context;
                _mapper = mapper;

            public async Task<ProductsVM> Handle(GetQuantitiesCountByExpiryStatusQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                return new ProductsVM

                    List = await (from p in _context.Products.AsNoTracking()
                                  join ed in _context.ExpiretionDates.AsNoTracking() on p.Id equals ed.ProductId
                                  group ed by p.Name into products
                                  select new
                                      Name = products.Key,
                                      ExpriedCount = products.Where(y => y.ExpirationDate < DateTime.Now).Sum(x => x.Quantity),
                                      ValidCount = products.Where(y => EF.Functions.DateDiffDay(y.ExpirationDate, DateTime.Now) >= request.NumberOfDays).Sum(x => x.Quantity),
                                      WarningCount = products.Where(y => EF.Functions.DateDiffDay(y.ExpirationDate, DateTime.Now) <= request.NumberOfDays).Sum(x => x.Quantity)


Here is my problem I am not very good with LINQ, and as I understand it there are queries that just can't be translated into an efficient LINQ Query if at all. I ran the linq in LinqPad the resulted query has 8 nested Select statements.
Just by comparing the execution plan for both queries the first one is much cheaper and faster. My test data was 10 rows in Products table and 5 children per parent in ExpirationDates table, I can only imagine if the tables were much larger how would that affect the result.

Is there a posibility of enabling FromSqlRaw for these fringe cases.


Hi @SuliemanMansouri
First of all - read this article https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35631903/raw-sql-query-without-dbset-entity-framework-core
How to use RawSQL in EF Core. It depends on the used EF Core version.

Official docs for the latest Ef Core version.

What EF Core version do you use? And could you please show the code?

About LINQ or RawSQL - both work fine with 10 rows. You need more data to see the actual execution plan.

Why do we need the Interfaces inside the Application project?

It is a very good question!
I believe better to move interfaces to separate project and architecture layer.
And add a project which "implements" these interfaces.
And "use" these interfaces from the Application layer (and project).
It is Dependency Inversion principle in practice :)

Hi, @AndreiTsvettsikh
I was adamant on using Raw SQL using Context.Database, the way I used to do it in EF6. That's what happens when trying to code after 3:00 am in the morning.
Using FromSQL on entities DBSets works fine with keyless entities.
Thanks @AndreiTsvettsikh for pointing which EF Core version I am using.