jasonrudolph / keyboard

⌨ Toward a more useful keyboard

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Mac Big Sur - 2 Brewfile dependencies failed to install.

capnahab opened this issue · comments

I am not sure if this is related to big Sur or not. I am running brew under Rosetta2 otherwise there is no brew with Big Sur yet. I am using the recommended installation and with pre-installed hammerspoon and Karabiner elements brew fails to recognise the installations. If I delete the installations i get the error below, - still fialing to install the dependencies.
Is this a Big Sur/Rosetta issue?.

❯ script/setup
brew bundle can't satisfy your Brewfile's dependencies.
Satisfy missing dependencies with brew bundle install.
Error: Cask 'karabiner-elements' is unavailable: No Cask with this name exists.
Installing karabiner-elements has failed!
Error: Cask 'hammerspoon' is unavailable: No Cask with this name exists.
Installing hammerspoon has failed!
Homebrew Bundle failed! 2 Brewfile dependencies failed to install.

👋 @capnahab: Thanks for reporting this issue. I haven't upgraded to Big Sur yet, so I'm not sure which aspects of jasonrudolph/keyboard will work and which aspects won't work.

The script/setup and Brewfile are intended as a nice-to-have bit of automation, but if they're not working on Big Sur, can you try installing karabiner-elements and hammerspoon manually?

Thank you, - I get the same message if I have manually preinstalled Hammerspoon and Karabiner.

brew bundle can't satisfy your Brewfile's dependencies.
Satisfy missing dependencies with brew bundle install.
Error: Cask 'karabiner-elements' is unavailable: No Cask with this name exists.
Installing karabiner-elements has failed!
Error: Cask 'hammerspoon' is unavailable: No Cask with this name exists.
Installing hammerspoon has failed!
Homebrew Bundle failed! 2 Brewfile dependencies failed to install.

I wonder if this is something to do with using Rosetta for brew.
I tried , werent found.

brew install karabiner-elements
Updating Homebrew...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 1 tap (homebrew/core).
==> Updated Formulae
Updated 2 formulae.

==> Searching for similarly named formulae...
Error: No similarly named formulae found.
Error: No available formula or cask with the name "karabiner-elements".
==> Searching for a previously deleted formula (in the last month)...
Error: No previously deleted formula found.
==> Searching taps on GitHub...
Error: No formulae found in taps.

Thank you, - I get the same message if I have manually preinstalled Hammerspoon and Karabiner.

Sorry, @capnahab. I should have been more specific in my suggestion. Once you've installed Hammerspoon and Karabiner manually, you don't need homebrew for any other steps. I recommend commenting out this line and running ./script/setup again:

brew bundle check || brew bundle

Can you give that a try?

Sorry Jason,
I tried that and
❯ script/setup
ln: /Users/np/.config//karabiner: Operation not permitted

👋 @capnahab: Thanks for giving that a try. It sounds like now you're running into the issue seen in #67. I haven't been able to reproduce that issue, but some people have reported that they can work around it by removing the trailing slash on this line:

ln -sfn $PWD/karabiner ~/.config/

- ln -sfn $PWD/karabiner ~/.config/
+ ln -sfn $PWD/karabiner ~/.config

Can you try making that change and then running ./script/setup again?

Hi Jason, I suspect you are under the impression I know what I am doing here :), ( I am a surgeon in my dayjob in the Uk).
I changed the line above, but no joy so I looked in ~/.config and found karabiner so I renamed that karabiner_old and reran the script, - and it worked as normal.
Thanks for your excellent help and dedication to this great project !.

Glad to hear that you were able to get things working, @capnahab! 🙌