jasonrudolph / keyboard

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stuck on Tapping caskroom/cask

Kwask94 opened this issue · comments

Hello there, can't wait to adabting this keyboard

so I followed the insteractions and after running script/setup i'm left out with the following :

brew bundle can't satisfy your Brewfile's dependencies.
Satisfy missing dependencies with `brew bundle install`.

when I run brew bundle install it get stuck on

Tapping caskroom/cask
Using karabiner-elements

now when I redo script/setup i get

brew bundle can't satisfy your Brewfile's dependencies.
Satisfy missing dependencies with `brew bundle install`.
Tapping caskroom/cask
Using karabiner-elements


👋 @imagnma: Sorry you're running into trouble getting started.

If you run brew cask list, do you see hammerspoon and karabiner-elements in the output?

Oh, you are so kind, I've run it and I got back :

Cannot read termcap database;
using dumb terminal settings.

hmm, why it isn't showing hammerspoon ?

Hmm. I'm not sure why this is happening (sorry 🙈), but here's an idea for getting things back on track:

  1. Manually install the hammerspoon cask: brew cask install hammerspoon
  2. Comment out this line of script/setup
  3. Re-run script/setup

Does that get you any farther along?

the downloading speed of cask is horablie slow, so I downlod i drag to /application
now :

ln: /Users/im/.config//karabiner: Operation not permitted

with and without sudo, same message

should I manually add karabiner.json to ~/.confg/karabiner then comment the ln line ?

the downloading speed of cask is horablie slow,

Oh. I'm guessing that's why you were getting stuck here earlier:

when I run brew bundle install it get stuck on

Tapping caskroom/cask
Using karabiner-elements

Regarding the new error you're seeing:

ln: /Users/im/.config//karabiner: Operation not permitted

It seems like you already have an existing configuration folder for karabiner at /Users/im/.config/karabiner. You'll need to move, remove, or change the name of that folder and then run script/setup again.

great, now finally something happend

both apps opend

thank you very much, I'm going to test it now