jasonrudolph / keyboard

⌨ Toward a more useful keyboard

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Cannot do shift+escape

tal opened this issue · comments

In slack ⇧+ESC marks all chat as read, using the tap to escape plugin you cannot trigger this key command.

@tal: Thanks for reporting this issue. shift+escape isn't a keyboard combination that I personally use for anything, so I haven't run into this problem. However, it would be nice if it worked for people that do use it, so I've added the help-wanted label to this issue in case anyone wants to submit a pull request for it.

There is a weird spot when you do the caps pressed alone = escape; caps pressed with something else = control + something else setup. When you press caps + shift, do you do control + escape or shift+ escape?

I use shift+escape in jupyter notebooks with the VIM binding nbextension (you need it to escape out into command mode), so that is definitely useful in my case.

With a karabiner along with this setup, I solved this by commenting control-escape.lua in init.lua and using this complex modification instead.

For some reason control-escape.lua was also a bit laggy, but the karabiner setup was working pretty smooth. Not sure it that's because of the logic in that file, or hammerspoon itself. I have been trying to wrap my head around how do I debug hammerspoon in pdb python style while it tweak these files. It's been tough and slow debugging it in the console.