jasonkneen / RESTe

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Handling response from ArrowDB

adamtarmstrong opened this issue · comments

When fetching "Posts" from ArrowDB, Appcelerator is returning the posts as an array ("posts") but inside a property ("response") and not in the root.

   "meta": {

I tried configuring my Collection both ways:

collections: [{
      name: "queryPosts",
      content: "response[posts]",
      read: "getQueryPosts"

and I tried

collections: [{
      name: "queryPosts",
      content: "response.posts",
      read: "getQueryPosts"

And neither one seem to work. Am I doing something wrong to attach the "content" to the array of posts?


I tried adding a transform to the model like referenced in some of your other (closed) tickets but can't seem to get it to work either. I thought the transform should pull out the 'response' object and then the collection would be able to see 'posts' array in the root. Is that not correct?

models: [{
        name: "name",
        id: "id",
        //content: "response",
        transform: function(m) {
            var transform = m.toJSON();
            transform = m.response;
            return transform;
        collections: [{
            name: "queryPosts",
            content: "posts",
            read: "getQueryPosts"
    methods: [{
        name: "getQueryPosts",
        get: "posts/query.json?key=KEY_VALUE_HERE&pretty_json=true&count=true",

I think this is the same as #46. If we could set the parent, I think you would get what you want.

@raybelisle You are absolutely correct. I just updated your Issue with my work around. And since this is a dup of yours I'll close mine.

Gonna check your workaround :)