jasonday / printThis

jQuery printing plugin; print specific elements on a page

Home Page:https://jasonday.github.io/printThis/

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caracteres especiais

alexdasilvalima2110 opened this issue · comments

ola gostaria de saber como eu posso colocar a codificação de carateres especiais!? exemplos: ç, á Não etc... no caso seria utf8. obrigado.

Are the special characters not showing in the print?
Os caracteres especiais não estão aparecendo na impressão?

how do i define utf8 and display the special characters? and present the line break? do i have to put it in div
or \ n? and that I already tried the 2 and it doesn't work !?

Are the special characters inline? What does show when printThis is triggered?

More information is necessary to debug.

@alexdasilvalima2110 is there more information you can provide, so that I can investigate?

Any update to this issue?