jason-neal / companion_simulations

Simulating combined host+companion spectra, and fitting to observed crires spectra.

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Co-add chi2 values from detectors.

jason-neal opened this issue · comments

Find out how to co-add chi2 values. from the same obervation together.

Do this for the enitire gird and then use that chi2 value as the minimum value.

Then average or co-add these across the observations.

Have done this now with coadd_chi2_db.py and the coadd_analysis_module.py

The db file has combined all 4 detector values and the sum of chisquared. "chi2_X", "coadd_chi2" as well as the "arbnorm_X" and "alpha_X" values. where X = range(1,5)

also now count the npix values in each detector to combine together and then reudce the chi2 value properly.