jasny / sso

Simple Single Sign-On for PHP

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unknow command

andersonn-roberto opened this issue · comments

This error occurs after you fill the fields: email and password and hit the login button.
The server response with:

Unknown command
in Client1Broker.php (line 60)
at Client1Broker->request('POST', 'login-user', array('error' => 'Unknown command'))in Broker.php (line 291)
at Broker->__call('loginUser', array('jackie.black@example.com', 'jackie123'))in LoginController.php (line 47)

Anyone know what can be the problem?

The SSO server doesn't have the login-user command / loginUser function.

So, I need to implement this function?

did you find out to work this example

@dharmikvyas I recommend looking at the v0.4 branch instead. I'll release that shortly and subsequently drop support for v0.3.