jasmine / jasmine-npm

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Empty output in v2.5.0

ValeriiVasin opened this issue · comments

Today we've got the new version and now after we run our tests (from ./node_modules/.bin/jasmine) we do see empty output. Prob. config not found or so. For config we are using spec/support/jasmine.json

Is there any breaking changes in released version?

I'm having the same problem. I don't see any output at all.

I thought I messed up by trying to run the command line executable from a local install, so I tried it again by installing it with the global flag in an empty project, but there's been no difference. Output is literally blank, see image below :

jasmine console

Also, @ValeriiVasin, would you mind changing the title of the issue to something more specific so that others looking up this issue can come here as well?

@EnKrypt changed to problems with v2.5.0, not sure what it exactly is :)

@ValeriiVasin How about something along the lines of 'No output/empty output/nothing displayed in v2.5.0'? That is similar to what I googled for before coming here.

@EnKrypt changed it

Is this not a duplicate of #88 and is fixed in #89 and the only thing that is left is to publish a new version to fix this for everyone?

@agirorn Yes it looks like it. That pull request has been merged less then a day ago, so anyone who does not get this particular version of jasmine from npm should probably be fine,

EDIT: Might not be true, see next comment.

It is not fixed by #89. It can be reproduced on this repository tests by using the default reporter.

You can compare travis log without the default reporter and with it.

It seems that the console reporter is not used because it is only provided as a fallback reporter. However, there is always another reporter provided, the exitCodeReporter.

By looking in the history, it seems that the exit strategy was called by the default reporter and has been extracted to this dedicated reporter. Later, this exit strategy has been tied again to the default reporter.

Could the default reporter handle the exit strategy again to have only one reporter? What was the reason to separate them in the first place?

I could have miss something but I made some PRs to decouple the exit strategy and the default reporter. Then, with only one reporter, output should go back.

Does this mean the default reporter 'consoleReporter' is not used anymore? Is it replaced with 'exitCodeReported'?
If this is the case, then how to manually set 'consoleReporter' as the current reporter?

Closing this as a duplicate of #88. The fix should be released in v2.5.1

I have installed 2.5.1 and still no output:

C:\Temp\jasminetest>npm install jasmine@2.5.1 --global
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\npm\jasmine -> C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\jasmine\bin\jasmine.js
`-- jasmine@2.5.1

C:\Temp\jasminetest>jasmine init

C:\Temp\jasminetest>jasmine examples


C:\Temp\jasminetest>jasmine -v
jasmine v2.5.1
jasmine-core v2.5.1

@slackersoft : I disapprove of your moderation disciplines.

Issues should never be closed because "there will be a fix soon". They should remain open to foster further discussion and more importantly: to verify that a solution actually exists before marking the issue as resolved.

@EnKrypt it's still a dupe, and 2.5.1 was released with what I thought was the six at the time.