jarro2783 / cxxopts

Lightweight C++ command line option parser

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"use-of-uninitialized-value" Clang Memory Sanitizer warnings

ivan-aksamentov opened this issue · comments

Clang Memory Sanitizer reports numerous warnings when trying to include cxxopts.hpp into the project. The simplest affected program is as follows:

#include <cxxopts.hpp>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {}

If configured with halt_on_error=0, memory sanitizer produces 1942 warnings.

The first error is:

(it's more convenient to read from the bottom)

MSAN_OPTIONS="symbolize=1:halt_on_error=0" MSAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH="/usr/bin/llvm-symbolizer" ./a.out
==14==WARNING: MemorySanitizer: use-of-uninitialized-value
    #0 0x4a1656 in std::ctype<char> const const& std::use_facet<std::ctype<char> const>(std::locale const&) /usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../../include/c++/9/bits/locale_classes.tcc:135:55
    #1 0x49d605 in std::__detail::_Scanner<char>::_Scanner(char const*, char const*, std::regex_constants::syntax_option_type, std::locale) /usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../../include/c++/9/bits/regex_scanner.tcc:62:16
    #2 0x49c86c in std::__detail::_Compiler<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char> >::_Compiler(char const*, char const*, std::locale const&, std::regex_constants::syntax_option_type) /usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../../include/c++/9/bits/regex_compiler.tcc:77:7
    #3 0x49c2f3 in std::enable_if<__is_contiguous_iter<char const*>::value, std::shared_ptr<std::__detail::_NFA<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char> > const> >::type std::__detail::__compile_nfa<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char>, char const*>(char const*, char const*, std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char>::locale_type const&, std::regex_constants::syntax_option_type) /usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../../include/c++/9/bits/regex_compiler.h:183:14
    #4 0x49bf24 in std::__cxx11::basic_regex<char, std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char> >::basic_regex<char const*>(char const*, char const*, std::locale, std::regex_constants::syntax_option_type) /usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../../include/c++/9/bits/regex.h:759:15
    #5 0x49b9c3 in std::__cxx11::basic_regex<char, std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char> >::basic_regex<char const*>(char const*, char const*, std::regex_constants::syntax_option_type) /usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../../include/c++/9/bits/regex.h:505:4
    #6 0x49a8f1 in std::__cxx11::basic_regex<char, std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char> >::basic_regex(char const*, std::regex_constants::syntax_option_type) /usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../../include/c++/9/bits/regex.h:438:9
    #7 0x41eaef in __cxx_global_var_init.4 /src/cxxopts.hpp:474:30
    #8 0x41ee17 in _GLOBAL__sub_I_main.cpp /src/main.cpp
    #9 0x53801c in __libc_csu_init (/a.out+0x53801c)
    #10 0x7f10b7be703f in __libc_start_main (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6+0x2703f)
    #11 0x41ee5d in _start (/a.out+0x41ee5d)

Notice #7 points to these global variables in cxxopts.hpp:474:30:


Lines 470 to 480 in 302302b

namespace values
std::basic_regex<char> integer_pattern
std::basic_regex<char> truthy_pattern
std::basic_regex<char> falsy_pattern


Global variables in C++ are considered a bad practice.

I assume that some code runs during static initialization (before main(), notice absence of main function and presence of __cxx_global_var_init in entry #7 in the call stack) which relies on these variables being initialized before it runs. However, these variables are not initialized at the time of execution.

Additionally, in projects where cxxopts.hpp is included into multiple C++ modules, it may lead to a problem called "static initialization order fiasco".

A solution would be to avoid global variables and to enforce code execution order, either in constructor or in the parse() method. If this is difficult or impossible with the current code architecture, sometimes, a Singleton pattern can be used to preserve convenience of global variables, while enforcing order of execution.


This repository contains an example program:


It uses cxxopts.hpp version 2.2.1 copied from: https://github.com/jarro2783/cxxopts/blob/v2.2.1/include/cxxopts.hpp

You can reproduce the problem by installing Docker, Make and running:

git clone https://github.com/ivan-aksamentov/repro-cxxopts-msan-warning
cd repro-cxxopts-msan-warning

This will build docker container, build and run the example program inside the container (see Dockerfile and Makefile).

You can prevent memory sanitizer from listing all the warnings, by setting halt_on_error=1 in Makefile. In this case it will stop on the first warning.
