jarnedemeulemeester / findroid

Third-party native Jellyfin Android app

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Broken endpoints for liking and marking as watched (possibly more)

prochy-exe opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Can't mark items as liked or watched

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to any show, movie episode
  2. Click on the like or watched icon

Expected behavior
Mark the item as liked or watched

Device info (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Google Pixel 7
  • Android version: 14
  • App version: latest debug version
  • Jellyfin version: 10.9.6

Additional context
I am running my server through an nginx proxy, the official app works fine, both through the proxy and directly, however findroid doesn't. I took notice that while the official app is making a request to:


findroid is making a request to here:


I did some testing manually using curl and i found out that the endpoint being used is actually not working at all, it returns a 403 despite the undocumented endpoint returning 200.

request in format /Users/userId/FavoriteItems/entityId
request in format /UserFavoriteItems/entityId?userId=userId

TL;DR jellyfin probably broke their API and some endpoints do not work, I don't know the scope of this problem but other endpoints might be affected as well. I didn't see anything else personally however.

P.S I am using a base URL
EDIT: I tried using the latest release version from google play and it works fine on it, its using the endpoint i mentioned before, the one that works

Digging more into this showed up that the SDK uses those endpoints for example here

Thanks a lot for the detailed report!

The cause of the issue was the arguments of those endpoints in the SDK switched places with the new 1.5.x version.
I did have to switch a lot of arguments but apparently I forgot those.

Should be fixed now 😄