jaredhanson / connect-flash

Flash message middleware for Connect and Express.

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req.flash return content with brackets ['message']

iwaduarte opened this issue · comments

I'm having a problem with req.flash when I am try to set a flash message inside a function:
I am doing:

req.flash('info', 'Yep all good' );

but then when I am using console.log to display it:

I get : [ 'Yep all good' ] with brackets.
I do not know what do to fix this. Can someone give me a help. Is that a bug?

I believe this due to req.flash returning an array of strings

i'm facing with the same issue. cannot get an object from flash() function. any helps?

without any help, i've made my own script to work with. please see my gist if you are interested https://gist.github.com/sayhicoelho/f3f8009d2d380dc28765c13c65340c0e

I have pretty much abandoned the use of req.flash(). It is buggy and lacks of the documentation to perform this simple task as we can see. I did not get any response either. Instead I highly recommend you to work with res.locals. They do pretty much the same thing if setup properly.

This is the expected behavior of req.flash. So if you wanted you could push multiple messages to the same key

req.flash('info', 'message 1');
req.flash('info', 'message 2');

Then in your view you could iterate over the array and display all the messages.

In my use case I knew I would only pass a single error object to flash

req.flash('errors': errorObject);

So now I can fetch it and select the first index

const errors = req.flash('errors');
res.locals.errors = errors.length > 0 ? errors[0] : {};

I have misunderstood this. Thanks!!!

I'm have issues in returning with req.flash() too.
I'm trying to return a string message to the view instead it's flashing 1.
This is the short code:
return res.render('index', {
error_msg: req.flash('error_msg', 'Not found'),
success_msg: ''