japgolly / nyaya

Random Data Generation and/or Property Testing in Scala & Scala.JS.

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Add Gen to split seq into n partitions

japgolly opened this issue · comments

Add Gen to split seq into n partitions

Ahh now two similar things outside of Nyaya

// HashLogicTest.scala
    def sizedGroups[C[X] <: SeqLike[X, C[X]], A](input: C[A])(implicit ss: SizeSpec): Gen[Vector[C[A]]] = { // TODO Add to Nyaya
      val size = ss match {
        case x@ SizeSpec.Default => x.gen
        case x: SizeSpec.Exactly => x.gen
        case SizeSpec.OneOf(ns)  => Gen.chooseIndexed_!(ns)
      Gen { ctx =>
        val groups = Vector.newBuilder[C[A]]
        @tailrec def go(as: C[A]): Unit =
          if (as.nonEmpty) {
            val n = size.run(ctx)
            groups += as.take(n)
// ProjectStateTest.scala
  // TODO Move into Nyaya
  def Gen_batches[A](as: Vector[A], partitionSize: Range.Inclusive, keepRemainder: Boolean = true): Gen[Vector[Vector[A]]] = {
    val genSize = Gen.chooseInt(partitionSize.min, partitionSize.max)
    Gen { ctx =>
      val b = Vector.newBuilder[Vector[A]]
      @tailrec def go(rem: Vector[A]): Unit =
        if (rem.isEmpty)
        else if (rem.length >= partitionSize.min) {
          val n = genSize.run(ctx)
          b += rem.take(n)
        } else if (keepRemainder)
          b += rem