japgolly / nyaya

Random Data Generation and/or Property Testing in Scala & Scala.JS.

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specs2 integration

i-am-the-slime opened this issue · comments

Hey David,

is there some easy integration with specs2 for Nyaya?

It's hard to convert results from mustSatisfy since they are of type Unit.

Came up with something like this:

  case class Satisfier[A](p:Prop[A], g:Gen[A])
  object Satisfier{
    implicit def inst[A] = new AsResult[Satisfier[A]] {
      override def asResult(t: => Satisfier[A]): Result = {
        } catch {
          case e:AssertionError =>
            org.specs2.execute.Failure(e.getMessage, e.getLocalizedMessage, e.getStackTrace.toList)


Not sure if that treats the cases right.

Is there any news on this front?

Oh I forgot to reply to you ages ago. Sorry about that.

I haven't written anything myself but you can get access to the result without side-effects. The API is a bit messy at the moment but it looks like this:

Then you could pattern-match on the result like this and transform it into what's needed for Specs2.