japaric-archived / posit

A Rust implementation of the posit number system

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rust posit -> WebAssembly

Art opened this issue · comments

Rust WebAssembly
Announcing Rust 1.14
Dec 22, 2016 • The Rust Core Team

Another exciting feature is experimental support for WebAssembly as a target, wasm32-unknown-emscripten. It is still early days, and there’s a lot of bugs to shake out, so please give it a try and report them! To give you a small taste of how it works, once you have emscripten installed, compiling some Rust code to WebAssembly is as easy as:
$ rustup target add wasm32-unknown-emscripten
$ echo 'fn main() { println!("Hello, Emscripten!"); }' > hello.rs
$ rustc --target=wasm32-unknown-emscripten hello.rs
$ node hello.js

The community has been doing interesting, experimental work in this area: see Jan-Erik’s slides for the workshop he ran at Rust Belt Rust for some examples, or check out Tim’s example of the classic TodoMVC project. This implementation builds off of his webplatform crate, which exposes the DOM to Rust.

Love seeing Rust and WebAssembly communities work and play well together.
Recent C++ to WA enables magic like webDSP WebAssembly Video Editor!
I'd like to see Rust webDSP 'posit arithmetic' enabled.
It would be awesome.