jaor / xmobar

A minimalistic status bar

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Volume (and Alsa) plugin fails to recognize some options

eppolito opened this issue · comments

The following options (everything related to configuring the appearance of <status>) are unrecognized by both the Volume and Alsa plugins for me.

  1. --on and -O for the "on" string
  2. --off and -o for the "off" string
  3. --onc and -C for coloring the "on" string
  4. --offc for coloring the "off" string

Here is a minimal config which exhibits this behaviour.

Config {
  commands = [
      Run Alsa "default" "Master" [
          "--template", "Vol <volume> <status>"
          , "--off", "yellow"
          , "--offc", "yellow"
          , "--on", "yellow"
          , "--onc", "yellow"
          , "-o", "yellow"
          , "-c", "yellow"
          , "-O", "yellow"
          , "-C", "yellow"
  , sepChar = "%"
  , alignSep = "}{"
  , template = "}%alsa:default:Master%{"

I suspect the issue may live in src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Volume.hs. Note that the "-c" option does not throw an unrecognized option because "-c" is one of the default options. Could this be part of the problem? I haven't looked at the definition of parseOptsWith, but I wonder if it stops parsing once it sees a duplicated option.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and for writing such a great piece of software! I love xmobar :)


Interesting, I completely misunderstood how "--" is handled here. I thought options after this would be passed directly to the command run by the monitor on the system... Seems this was a 10t error on my part.

Thanks so much for your help!