janymuong / AirBnB_clone_v4

AirBnB clone: Web Dynamic(Front-end) - JavaScript; jQuery;

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AirBnB clone - Web dynamic

Front-end, JavaScript


JavaScript - jQuery

This is a clone of the AirBnB website. This specific part covers web dynamic content development w/ JavaScriptand JQuery. We load objects from the client side by using a RESTful API developed in previous series: AirBnB_clone_v3. The goal is to gain proficiency in DOM manipulation, event handling, making AJAX requests/calls, and utilizing the power of jQuery to simplify front-end programming.

File Info:


  • The index.html - i.e. HTML files in web_dynamic/templates - serve as the main entry point for the application. This files are rendered by the Flask routes to interact with the JavaScript functionality.
  • You can find the jQuery library included in the head section of each HTML file, which enables you to use jQuery methods and selectors in your JavaScript code.
  • Chrome DevTools:

You can inspect and debug your web pages and see real-time changes in the DOM using it:
Press Ctrl+Shift+I /or fn + f12 (or Cmd+Option+I on macOS) to open DevTools.

  • Semistandard compliant : semistandard *.js --global $

File solutions in web_dynamic/static/scripts/ use this standard.

AirBnB CLONE Basic Functionality:


    - AirBnB_clone - a command interpreter to manipulate data without a visual interface, like in a Shell (perfect for development and debugging)
    - AirBnB_clone_v4 (this focus) - a website (the front-end) that shows the final product to everybody: static and dynamic - load objects from the client side by using from RESTful API

    - AirBnB_clone_v2 - a database or files that store data (data = objects)
    - AirBnB_clone_v3 - an API that provides a communication interface between the front-end and your data (retrieve, create, delete, update them):
        - expose all your objects stored via a JSON web interface
        - manipulate your objects via a RESTful API

File Hierarchy:

Repository Contents Info:

This section is all file information.

├── AUTHORS - Docker specified formatted file for contributors
├── README.md - project documentation.
├── console.py - single-use command interpreter(uses Python `cmd` module).
├── models/ - the main driver of the project; lays out Python Object Orientation, initialization,  serialization, (de)serialization etc.
│   ├── __init__.py - effectively make a `Python` Package out of these modules, unique FileStorage instance for app
│   ├── base_model.py  - includes base (class) model ; for subclassing/inheritance - is the superclass.
│   ├── user.py - sample file with subclass of BaseModel(from module base_model)
│   ├── engine/ - abstracted storage engine/system for persisting data.
│   │   ├── __init__.py - effectively make a `Python` Package out of these modules
│   │   └── file_storage.py - module with methodes meant to interact with file storage(read from/write to JSON file), and models
└── tests/ - directory for unit testing, test cases/test suites etc.
    ├── __init__.py - effectively make a `Python` Package out of these modules, for Python test discovery.
    └── test_models/ - files that test models eg test_base_model.py, test_user.py, test_review.py
        └── __init__.py - effectively make a `Python` Package out of these modules, for Python test discovery.
├── web_dynamic - JavaScript jQuary, Flask Routing etc - focus of AirBnB v4
│   ├── *-hbnb.py - Routing file
│   ├── 100-dump.sql - file for database Dump to get mock data for user-facing of MVC
│   ├── static
│   │   ├── images
│   │   │   ├── icon.png
│   │   ├── scripts
│   │   │   └── *-hbnb.js - JQuery for DOM manipulation
│   │   └── styles - CSS
│   ├── templates - Jinja Templates
│   │   └── *-hbnb.html
│   └── w3c_validator.py
├── web_flask
│   ├── *.py - Flask routing files
│   ├── README.md
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── static
│   │   ├── images
│   │   │   └── logos/icons
│   │   └── styles - Cascading Style Sheets
│   │       └── *.css
│   └── templates - Jinja templating
│       └── *.html
└── web_static
    └── Frontend of the application directory hosting static files: CSS, HTML, Images.

Prepping Database:

  • Create MySQL User and Database; dump mock db data;
$ cat setup_mysql_dev.sql | sudo mysql # -uroot -p # if root user uses passwd
$ cat web_dynamic/100-dump.sql | sudo mysql # -uroot -p # if root user uses passwd
  • Run Flask app on port 5000 and 5001:
# terminal 1:
$ HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_dev HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_dev_pwd HBNB_MYSQL_HOST=localhost HBNB_MYSQL_DB=hbnb_dev_db HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=db python3 -m web_dynamic.*-hbnb 
# where *-hbnb  is any of the Flask routing files
# terminal 2:
$ HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_dev HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_dev_pwd HBNB_MYSQL_HOST=localhost HBNB_MYSQL_DB=hbnb_dev_db HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=db HBNB_API_PORT=5001 python3 -m api.v1.app

Command Interprter

command-line interface
a shell implementation that uses the Python module cmd, which provides a simple framework for writing line-oriented command interpreters.

Shell Behavior:

Is a CRUD simulated behavior - operations on objects in command-line.

start interpreter in interactive mode: ./console.py;- quit interpreter: type quit or EOF, or press Ctrl + D
sample interpreter features: create, show, update, destroy, etc


# run the interpreter in interactive mode:
/AirBnB_clone$ ./console.py
# prompt designates you are in the "HBnB" console

There are a variety of commands available within the console program.

* create - Creates an instance based on given class

* destroy - Destroys an object based on class and UUID

* show - Shows an object based on class and UUID

* all - Shows all objects the program has access to, or all objects of a given class

* update - Updates existing attributes an object based on class name and UUID

* quit - Exits the program (EOF will as well)
Alternative Syntax

Users are able to issue a number of console command using an alternative syntax:

`Syntax`: <class_name>.<command>([<id>[name_arg value_arg]|[kwargs]])

Advanced syntax is implemented for the following commands:

* all - Shows all objects the program has access to, or all objects of a given class

* count - Return number of object instances by class

* show - Shows an object based on class and UUID

* destroy - Destroys an object based on class and UUID

* update - Updates existing attributes an object based on class name and UUID

Command Palette Examples

Primary Command Syntax

Example 0: Create an object

Usage: create <class_name>

(hbnb) create BaseModel
(hbnb) create BaseModel
Example 1: Show an object

Usage: show <class_name> <_id>

(hbnb) show BaseModel 3aa5babc-efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8
[BaseModel] (3aa5babc-efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8) {'id': '3aa5babc-efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 18, 14, 21, 12, 96959), 
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 18, 14, 21, 12, 96971)}
Example 2: Destroy an object

Usage: destroy <class_name> <_id>

(hbnb) destroy BaseModel 3aa5babc-efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8
(hbnb) show BaseModel 3aa5babc-efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8
** no instance found **
Example 3: Update an object

Usage: update <class_name> <_id>

(hbnb) update BaseModel b405fc64-9724-498f-b405-e4071c3d857f first_name "person"
(hbnb) show BaseModel b405fc64-9724-498f-b405-e4071c3d857f
[BaseModel] (b405fc64-9724-498f-b405-e4071c3d857f) {'id': 'b405fc64-9724-498f-b405-e4071c3d857f', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 18, 14, 33, 45, 729889), 
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 18, 14, 33, 45, 729907), 'first_name': 'person'}

Alternative Syntax

Example 0: Show all User objects

Usage: <class_name>.all()

(hbnb) User.all()
["[User] (99f45908-1d17-46d1-9dd2-b7571128115b) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 34, 92071), 'id': '99f45908-1d17-46d1-9dd2-b7571128115b', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 34, 92056)}", "[User] (98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134362), 'id': '98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134343)}"]
Example 1: Destroy a User

Usage: <class_name>.destroy(<_id>)

(hbnb) User.destroy("99f45908-1d17-46d1-9dd2-b7571128115b")
(hbnb) User.all()
(hbnb) ["[User] (98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134362), 'id': '98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134343)}"]
Example 2: Update User (by attribute)

Usage: <class_name>.update(<_id>, <attribute_name>, <attribute_value>)

(hbnb) User.update("98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30", name "Todd the Toad")
(hbnb) User.all()
(hbnb) ["[User] (98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134362), 'id': '98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30', 'name': 'Todd the Toad', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134343)}"]
Example 3: Update User (by dictionary)

Usage: <class_name>.update(<_id>, )

(hbnb) User.update("98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30", {'name': 'Fred the Frog', 'age': 9})
(hbnb) User.all()
(hbnb) ["[User] (98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134362), 'name': 'Fred the Frog', 'age': 9, 'id': '98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134343)}"]

Python Unit Tests

uses the unittest module for testing.
path to test files/for test coverage - directory: tests/test_models

Running tests using Python test discovery...

# execute tests using this command for all tests: 
$ python3 -m unittest discover tests
# test file by file by using this command: 
$ python3 -m unittest tests/test_models/test_base_model.py


You can find a list of contributors/project developers in the AUTHORS file.

MIT License


AirBnB clone: Web Dynamic(Front-end) - JavaScript; jQuery;

License:MIT License


Language:Python 52.4%Language:HTML 29.7%Language:CSS 14.4%Language:JavaScript 3.0%Language:Shell 0.4%