janu-software / facebook-php-sdk

Alternative API client for deprecated Facebook Graph SDK.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


nightw0lv opened this issue · comments

public function get(
		string $endpoint,
		$accessToken = null,
		string $eTag = null,
		string $graphVersion = null,
	): Response {
		return $this->sendRequest('GET', $endpoint, $params = [], $accessToken, $eTag, $graphVersion);

there are multiple errors like that simplified error line
public function get(string $endpoint, $accessToken = null, string $eTag = null, string $graphVersion = null, )
more simplified
public function get($endpoint, $accessToken = null, $eTag = null, $graphVersion = null, )
fully simplified
public function get($graphVersion, )
public function get($graphVersion , ) <- there is an extra coma ","

repeaded typo in files:

some of the catch(type) missing $error var
its php 8+ older versions not work because of type and character |
i would recommend to downgrade to php 7.4+
thank you for this project but wasted my time this typo errors exist since january almost a year ago

There are no typos. This project using strict types and will be. Supports only PHP 8.0+ and will be. If you want something different like support old versions of PHP, feel free to copy and edit project as separate package. Or use original version of SDK @facebookarchive/php-graph-sdk with support PHP 5.3+.