janosorcsik / BatchPool

The one-stop generic task batching and management library

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The one-stop generic task batching and management library.
Contributions are welcome to add features, flexibility, performance test coverage...


Supports Task, Func and Action

// Set batchSize to configure the maximum number of tasks that can be run concurrently
BatchPoolContainer batchPoolContainer = new BatchPoolContainer(batchSize: 5, isEnabled: true);

// Task
Task aTask = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello"));
BatchPoolTask task = batchPoolContainer.Add(aTask);
await task.WaitForTaskAsync();

// Func
Func<Task> aFunc = async () => Console.WriteLine("Hello");
BatchPoolTask func = batchPoolContainer.Add(aFunc);
await func.WaitForTaskAsync();

// Action
Action anAction = () => Console.WriteLine("Hello");
BatchPoolTask action = batchPoolContainer.Add(anAction);
await action.WaitForTaskAsync();

BatchPoolContainer states: Enabled / Paused

// Set isEnabled to configure the state of the batchPoolContainer at initialization
BatchPoolContainer batchPoolContainer = new BatchPoolContainer(batchSize: 5, isEnabled: false);

Task aTask = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello"));
BatchPoolTask task = batchPoolContainer.Add(aTask);
await task.WaitForTaskAsync();

// Resume and forget
// Or resume and wait for all task to finish
await batchPoolContainer.ResumeAndWaitForAllAsync();

// Then pause again to prevent new pending tasks to run

Dynamic batch size: update the size of the BatchPool

BatchPoolContainer batchPoolContainer = new BatchPoolContainer(batchSize: 5, isEnabled: false);

// Increase or reduce the capacity and wait for it to finish updating. (The batchPoolContainer will need to wait if a reduction is requested while it is currently processing)
await batchPoolContainer.UpdateCapacityAsync(10);
// Perform the same operation in the background

Callbacks: supports Task, Func and Action

BatchPoolContainer batchPoolContainer = new BatchPoolContainer(batchSize: 5, isEnabled: true);

Task aTask = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello"));
// The callback will run as soon as the main task completes
Task aCallbackTask = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello"));

BatchPoolTask task = batchPoolContainer.Add(aTask, aCallbackTask);
await task.WaitForTaskAsync();

Check the state of a task

BatchPoolContainer batchPoolContainer = new BatchPoolContainer(batchSize: 5, isEnabled: true);

Task aTask = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello"));
BatchPoolTask task = batchPoolContainer.Add(aTask);

bool isCancelled = task.IsCancelled;
bool isCompleted = task.IsCompleted;

Task Cancellation

BatchPoolContainer batchPoolContainer = new BatchPoolContainer(batchSize: 5, isEnabled: true);

Task aTask = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello"));
BatchPoolTask task = batchPoolContainer.Add(aTask);

// Attempt to cancel
bool didCancel = task.Cancel();
// Attempt to cancel all pending tasks (pending = tasks that have not yet started processing due to the batch size, or the paused state of the BatchPool)

batchPoolContainer Cancellation

CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
BatchPoolContainer batchPoolContainer = new BatchPoolContainer(batchSize: 5, isEnabled: true, cancellationToken: cancellationTokenSource.Token);
// All pending tasks will be cancelled

Adding tasks in batch

BatchPoolContainer batchPoolContainer = new BatchPoolContainer(batchSize: 5, isEnabled: true);

Task aTask1 = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello"));
Task aTask2 = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello"));
List<Task> listOfTasks = new List<Task>() { aTask1, aTask2 };

ICollection<BatchPoolTask> tasks = batchPoolContainer.Add(listOfTasks);

Waiting for tasks to finish

BatchPoolContainer batchPoolContainer = new BatchPoolContainer(batchSize: 5, isEnabled: true);

Task aTask1 = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello"));
Task aTask2 = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello"));
List<Task> listOfTasks = new List<Task>() { aTask1, aTask2 };

List<BatchPoolTask> tasks = batchPoolContainer.Add(listOfTasks);

// Wait for each task individually
await tasks[0].WaitForTaskAsync();
await tasks[1].WaitForTaskAsync();

// Wait for all tasks to finish
await batchPoolContainer.WaitForAllAsync();
// With timeoutInMilliseconds
await batchPoolContainer.WaitForAllAsync(timeoutInMilliseconds: 100);
// With timeout
await batchPoolContainer.WaitForAllAsync(timeout: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100));
// With cancellationToken
CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
await batchPoolContainer.WaitForAllAsync(cancellationToken: cancellationTokenSource.Token);

// With cancellationToken and timeoutInMilliseconds/cancellationToken
await batchPoolContainer.WaitForAllAsync(timeoutInMilliseconds: 100, cancellationTokenSource.Token);
await batchPoolContainer.WaitForAllAsync(timeout: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), cancellationTokenSource.Token);


BatchPoolContainerManager batchPoolContainerManager = new BatchPoolContainerManager();

// Create and register a BatchPool
batchPoolContainer batchPool = batchPoolContainerManager.CreateAndRegisterBatch("UniqueBatchPoolName", batchSize: 5, isEnabled: true);

// Retrieve the BatchPool
bool isFound = batchPoolContainerManager.TryGetBatchPool("UniqueBatchPoolName", out batchPoolContainer retrievedBatchPool);

Task aTask = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello"));
BatchPoolTask task = batchPoolContainer.Add(aTask);

// Wait for all tasks in all BatchPools to finish
await batchPoolContainerManager.WaitForAllBatchPools();

BatchPoolContainerManager with DI

IHost hostBuilder = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
    .ConfigureServices((_, services) => services.AddSingleton<BatchPoolContainerManager>())

using IServiceScope serviceScope = hostBuilder.Services.CreateScope();
IServiceProvider serviceProvider = serviceScope.ServiceProvider;

BatchPoolContainerManager batchPoolContainerManager = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<BatchPoolContainerManager>();


The one-stop generic task batching and management library

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%