janl / mustache.js

Minimal templating with {{mustaches}} in JavaScript

Home Page:https://mustache.github.io

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Templates aren't working in gh-pages site

jakkrobbit opened this issue · comments

I set up a page for a forked repo here. The site's supposed to load text on the right side, but as you can see, there's just a message saying "Your browser doesn't currently support JavaScript". It's set up to render text from .mst files located in dist/scripts/templates.

It works fine on the original site and when I'm working on localhost, but I get 404 errors when testing the gh-pages version. And despite what the error message says, the rest of the Javascript works fine - tooltips, switching tabs, and saving files are all functioning. Compiling mustache templates is literally the only thing that isn't working.

If it helps, here's the block of code related to mustache:

// Variable Setup
var quench_options = {
    'basic-gulpfile': false,
    'proj-name': 'Quench',
    'version': '1.0.0',
    'descrp': 'A Gulp file and project generator.',
    'author': 'Quench',
    'browser-sync': true,
    'css': true,
    'css-autoprefix': true,
    'css-destination': "dist/styles",
    'css-minimize': false,
    'css-precompile': true,
    'css-precompile-type': "sass",
    'css-source': "src/styles",
    'gulp-sass': true,
    'images-destination': "dist/images",
    'images-optimize': true,
    'images-source': "src/images",
    'js': true,
    'js-coffeescript': false,
    'js-concatenate': true,
    'js-destination': "dist/scripts",
    'js-es6': false,
    'es-lint': false,
    'js-minimize': true,
    'js-source': "src/scripts",
    'usingBS': true

// File Handlers
function displayFile(file) {
    'use strict';

function renderFile(file, renderOnly) {
    'use strict';
    var pJSON = '';

    if (renderOnly === undefined) {
        renderOnly = false;

    if (!renderOnly) {

    if ($('#template-' + file.replace('.', '')).length) {
        var template = $('#template-' + file.replace('.', '')).text();
        pJSON = Mustache.render(template, quench_options);
        if (!renderOnly) {
        return pJSON;
    } else {
            url: '/dist/scripts/templates/' + file + '.mst',
            dataType: 'text',
            success: function (template) {
                //Save template
                    .attr('type', 'x-tmpl-mustache')
                    .attr('id', 'template-' + file.replace('.', ''))

                pJSON = Mustache.render(template, quench_options);
                if (!renderOnly) {
                return pJSON;

So, I was able to circumvent the issue by moving the templates file to the root directory. I'm still wondering why the mustache templates were the only files in the dist folder that weren't working.