jankolkmeier / svd-xbee

Node talks to xbee radios through serialport

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Error: XBee.readParameters.QF; Never got Transmit status from XBee

klzns opened this issue · comments

I'm getting this error, while apparently I'm using the right setup.

Here's my code:

var XBee = require('svd-xbee').XBee;

var xbee = new XBee({
  port: '/dev/ttyUSB0',   // replace with yours
  baudrate: 9600 // 9600 is default

The same setup works in SerialPort module. What am I missing?


What type of XBee did you use? What firmware is flashed to the XBee? With a COORDINATOR and API function set? Any power-saving options enabled? Have you configured your xbee to use ATAP 1 or 2? Try passing the api_mode parameter to the svd-xbee options (settign it to 1 or 2, accordingly).

What type of XBee did you use?

I'm using XBee Series 1 802.15.4

What firmware is flashed to the XBee?


With a COORDINATOR and API function set?


Any power-saving options enabled?


Have you configured your xbee to use ATAP 1 or 2?

I'm using the default.

Try passing the api_mode parameter to the svd-xbee options (settign it to 1 or 2, accordingly).

I tried both but still.

Is there any more info that I can provide for debugging?

svd-xbee is built for interfacing series 2 coordinator modules. Series 2 modules have a mesh-network topology. Series 1 are just point 2 point / star (so no coordinator).

Since svd-xbee will assume it talks to a coordinator, your series 1 module will receive some frames that it wont understand (hence the error).

The xbee-api module is much more low level and makes no such assumptions. Although the implemented frame types are based on the newer Zigbee specifications, those that are also part of the 802.15.4 specs should still work (transmit requests, at command, ...), so you might want to try that node module instead...

OK, I'll try that! Thanks, @Jouz!

Sorry, I realized too late that TX requests/RX responses actually have different frame types for series 1 / 802.15.4 modules, I added experimental support for these frame types, see this issue: jankolkmeier/xbee-api#2

Thanks, I`ll check that later!