JamShady / monokai-netbeans

Monokai Theme for Netbeans

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Monokai Theme for Netbeans

Originally based on https://github.com/sickill/vim-monokai/blob/master/colors/monokai.vim

Colour Pallete

f8f8f8 Almost White Text foreground, Cursor Background
75715e Light Grey Comments, todo, code-folding foreground
272822 Dark Grey Editor background, search cursor foreground, whitespace
23241e Slightly Darker Grey My own IDE background
                                            |                       |

49483e | Grey | Special? Text Colour 3c3d37 | Deeper Grey | Special? Background, Highlighted instances | | 66d9ef | Blue | Identifier, StorageClass, Constant a6e22e | Lime Green | Function, Css Class/ID fd971f | Orange | Block param, CSS url ae81ff | Purple | Boolean, Character, Floats, Numbers, Special Chars, CSS Colour, CSS Value Length f92672 | Pink | Keyword, Operator, Statement, Class, Error/Warning bg e6db74 | Straw Yellow | Search background, Strings, labels, document headers | | 2a2815 | Yellow/Background Mix | Warnings 333923 | Lime Green/Background Mix | Diff - Added Line 2D3835 | Blue/Background Mix | Diff - Change 3A2829 | Pink/Background Mix | Diff - Removed | | 46830c | Forest Green | Difference - Added Text BG 2d3e19 | | Debugging current caret | | 8b0807 | Blood Red | Removed Text Colour 491a16 | | Breakpoint | | 243955 | Blue | Changed Text BG 232e37 | | Call stack

Syntax Tab

Default All Languages
Argument HTML
Block Comment HTML
Abstract Class or Method All Languages
Character All Languages
Character HTML  
Class All Languages
Code Coverage - Covered PHP
Code Coverage - Inferred PHP
Code Coverage - Partial PHP
Code Coverage - Uncovered PHP
Comment All Languages
Comment PHP
Constructor All Languages
Deprecated Element All Languages
Deprecated Element PHP
Documentation Keyword PHP PHP Doc Keyword
Entity Reference All Languages
Enum All Languages
Error All Languages PHP Syntax Errors
Expression Delimiter HTML {{ expression }} - requires Angular plugin
Field All Languages
Field PHP $instance->$field
Heredoc Delimiter PHP
Identifier All Languages {{ identifier }}, param="identifier"
Identifier PHP Class Name, Traits, Method names (overridden by method declaration/invocation) etc
Interface All Languages
Keyword All Languages
Keyword PHP class, function, public, extends, return, etc
Line Comment PHP
Local Variable All Languages
Magic Constants PHP
Mark Occurrences PHP Auto-highlighting of other instances of same variable, etc
Markup Attribute All Languages
Markup Value All Languages
Markup Element (Tag) All Languages
Method All Languages
Method Declaration PHP
Method Invocation PHP
Method Parameter All Languages
Number All Languages
Number PHP
Operator All Languages
Operator PHP ->, ::
Parameter Value HTML , Inherits Identifier, Overriden by CSS Selector value?
PHP Open/Close Tag PHP
Private Element All Languages
Protected Element All Languages
Public Element All Languages
Separator All Languages
Separator PHP \ between class names, ; line termination, etc
Static Element All Languages
Static Element PHP SomeClass::staticElement()
String All Languages
String PHP
Type Declaration PHP Class TypeDeclaration
Url All Languages
Unused Element All Languages
Unused Element PHP
Var Doc Keyword PHP /** @var $foo Foo */
Warning All Languages Potential syntax error
Whitespace All Languages All whitespace, even between words

Highlighting Tab

Option Explanation
Braces matching (match, multiple characters)
Braces matching (match, single character) if (true) { }
Braces matching (mismatch, multiple characters)
Braces matching (mismatch, single character) if (false}
Braces outline sidebar [] indicator to show start/end of braces
Caret Colour
Caret Colour (Overwrite mode)
Code Folding
Code Folding Bar
Guarded Block ???
Highlight Caret Row
Highlight Search All search occurrences highlighted


Monokai Theme for Netbeans