jamiis / resume

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


jamiis.me | email | github


M.S. Computer Science / Machine Learning, May 2015, GPA: 3.61
Columbia University, New York, NY

B.S. Applied Mathematics, B.S. Computer Science, May 2012, GPA: 3.49
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah


Wavelet Health, Machine Learning Programmer, Fall 2016 - Winter 2018

  • Deep learning based exercise classification of temporal wearable sensor data using LSTM recurrent neural networks
  • Built and oversaw entire ML pipeline including developing a methodology for acquiring training data and deploying models to prod
  • Tensorflow, Tensorflow Serving, pandas, scikit-learn

DBRS Innovation Labs, Machine Learning Programmer, Contracting as Korova LLC, Fall 2015 - Fall 2016

Paperspace, Fullstack Engineer, Contracted as Korova LLC, Summer 2015

  • Deployed scalable metrics monitoring and visualization for all of the distributed services
  • Rewrote the backend and added an admin tool for navigating the REST API
  • JavaScript (LoopBack, Node, Express, Mocha) Docker, InfluxDB, Grafana, collectd, StatsD, nginx, AWS

HackNY, Summer Fellow / Seen.co, Fullstack Web Engineer Intern, Summer 2014

  • Created a crawler, ranking algorithm, and admin dashboard to streamline adding events to the database
  • Python (Scrapy), JavaScript, Ruby (Sinatra), CSS, MongoDB

HireVue, Fullstack Web Engineer, Dec 2011 - July 2013

  • Refactored poor backend Django code and built our RESTful API
  • Completely rewrote our frontend in AngularJS
  • Python (Django), JavaScript (AngularJS, jQuery, Jasmine), CSS (Bootstrap, LessCSS)

Descue, iOS Engineer, Sept 2012 - Feb 2013

  • Created an HIV/AIDS-detection prototype for an early-phase bioengineering startup
  • Programmed and designed app UI and bluetooth networking between the device and phone

Sparrow Healthcare, iOS Dev Intern, Summer 2011

  • Engineered and designed suite of medical reference iOS apps


Tessellize, Emulate artistic style in real time using convolutional neural network image transformers

Movie Explorer, find something to watch by spatially exploring similar movies

  • Flask backend talks to Rotten Tomatoes and YouTube APIs
  • Frontend utilizes D3.js and Knockout.js

Repommender, a Github repository recommendation system, Fall 2014

  • Recommendation based on implicit collaborative filtering via Spark, pyspark, and MLlib
  • Wrote a Python script to extract user-to-repo stars from Github database
  • Frontend libraries used: CoffeeScript, Jade templates, Skel styling, Font Awesome icons

QUARK, Compilers Project, Fall 2014

  • Implemented a compiler and language in OCaml for simulating quantum circuits

Undergrad Senior Competition, 1st Place of 25 Teams, Spring 2012

  • Designed and programmed the iPhone and iPad app for scientific image and video processing
  • Wrote the processing library in C from scratch and integrated Apple's A/V foundation


Strong: Python, JavaScript, Unix, Vim, Git, AWS, Docker
Machine Learning: TensorFlow, Keras, Chainer, Theano, scikit-learn, Spark, Torch, R Experienced: Haskell, OCaml, Objective-C, Ruby, C, C++, Java, Matlab
Frameworks/Libs: Numpy, Scipy, LoopBack, Express, Angular, Node, Django, Flask, Scrapy
Databases: Postgres, MongoDB, InfluxDB, MySQL


I love my motorcycle, skateboarding, NYC history and architecture, crosswords, cryptocurrencies, economics, and stand up comedy. Also, I brew a batch of beer on occasion.
