jamiewilson / predawn

Predawn is a dark interface and syntax theme for Sublime Text and Atom.

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Highlighting for Ecmascript 6

cawa-93 opened this issue · comments

Is it possible to enable or implement further syntax highlighting for Ecmascript 6 ?
2015-12-16 12 50 10

Github syntax highlighting works better.

var a;                      // ok
const b;                    // ok
let c;                      // "let" is not highlighted

'Single quotes';            // ok
"Double quotes";            // ok
`template strings`;         // template strings is not highlighted

(function (params) {})();   // ok
(params) => {}              // In arrow function notation arguments is not highlighted

I'm not sure if predawn handles syntax highlighting directly. It just provides color scheme/layout info. You'd need another package to make ES6 highlighting work.

I might be wrong about this, though.

I made it work for me by installing JavascriptNext and setting the syntax highlighting for all .js files to JavascriptNext (http://puu.sh/mrNsS/c2bf425d01.png).

JavascriptNext is just awful! It is so unpleasant that I want to tear my eyes, not to see it.

The way I described it makes it use predawn's color scheme with javascriptnext's syntax highlighting. You don't need to use the javascriptnext color scheme