jameskermode / f90wrap

F90 to Python interface generator with derived type support

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AttributeError: 'Prototype' object has no attribute 'mod_name' on visit_Interface

jmp75 opened this issue · comments


I am applying f90wrap on a new codebase and came across that error. This seems to have been reported in #89 and closed (no repro info). the visit_interface function seems to expect this attribute on the object so likely a design flaw. I will see if I can diagnose further.


This seems caused by declarations as below. Forgot how interfaces work on Fortran so not yet in a position to reduce to a minimal example. I have to work around it for now and progress work but will see if I can repro later on.

module BlahModule
!     lintrpl:   real function linear Interpolation and extrapolation
      implicit none


      interface lintrpl
        module procedure lintrpl_real
        module procedure lintrpl_dble
      end interface


Thanks for reporting and for the workaround. Would you be willing to adapt this into to a pull request?