jamescourtney / FlatSharp

Fast, idiomatic C# implementation of Flatbuffers

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Compile fails to add 'required' to net7.0 generated code

Dzoay opened this issue · comments

Just cloned the latest code and rebuilt the samples with these project settings:


Building this generates code as follows that is an error due to the lack of required

            public override System.Collections.Generic.IList<System.String> Message
            public override System.Collections.Generic.IList<System.String> Message

Am I missing some configuration here?

Further investigations:

  • The required test (Required_Attribute_OnSerialize) passes when running specifically net7.0 and debugging indicates correct adding of the required keyword
  • I am not sure this is relevant but FlatSharp.Compiler 7.0.0 nuget package does not contain net7.0 tools only net6.0

I have the same issue after upgrading to .net 7

More info:
Locally I have locally rebuilt the nuget package at an arbitrary version 7.0.2 and a local feed with the following changes as an experiment:
I added this to the nuspec:

<file src="$OutDir$\net7.0\**" target="tools/net7.0" />

I updated the FlatSharp.Compiler.targets to include the $(TargetFramework) in the compiler path:


This deals with the required build errors identified above. I am uncertain this is the right fix but wanted to post my findings here.

This looks like a bug. I'm sorry for the miss here. I will take a look this evening. Thanks for pointing this out!

My best guess at the moment is that this is because your build machine does not have .NET 7 installed (as all of the test environments do...). This means that when Flatsharp runs, it sees "non-required" properties. You can mitigate this quickly by installing NET7 on your build machines or local machines.

Fixed in 7.0.1