jamescourtney / FlatSharp

Fast, idiomatic C# implementation of Flatbuffers

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Unity Support

killop opened this issue · comments

hi ,i am a unity developer.
in unity il2cpp aot model,i generate cs file by fbs file , but i can not use RoslynSerializerGenerator , but without RoslynSerializerGenerator i can not register GeneratedSerializerWrapper to Serializer type cache, on my point FlatBufferSerializer.cs should have interface to register autogen cs class

1 no RoslynSerializerGenerator
2 interface for autogenerate Serializer

sorry for my poor english

You are attempting to use Runtime code generation in an environment that needs AOT support. You should be using the FlatSharp.Compiler package instead of the FlatSharp package.


Note that the wiki is in a state of flux right now as docs are updated for the upcoming v7 release of FlatSharp.

hi 。you are absolute wrong。 i had used FlatSharp.Compiler to generate cs file in commandline ,for example
i had modify FlatSharpRuntime`s source code that remove RoslynSerializerGenerator in order to adaptive unity aot mode
RoslynSerializerGenerator can not be used in unity

i think no one can use FlatSharp in unity without modify your soure code ,because Unity can not use RoslynSerializerGenerator

it is the point that Roslyn can only used in FlatSharp Compiler ,and should not be used in FlatSharp.Runtime

you are right that Roslyn is not used in FlatSharp.Runtime,but FlatSharp.Runtime.dll do not any interface exported your api ,just like FlatBufferSerializer in FlatSharp.dl
in short,how can i work with FlatSharp.generated,cs in unity without Roslyn

Take a look at the sample here: https://github.com/jamescourtney/FlatSharp/tree/main/samples/Example03-SchemaFiles2. The samples are intended to walk you through how to use FlatSharp. The short version is:

table MyTable (fs_serializer:"{option}") // option defined at: https://github.com/jamescourtney/FlatSharp/wiki/FBS-Annotations#fs_serializer
    value : int;
var table = new MyTable();
byte[] buffer = new byte[MyTable.Serializer.GetMaxSize(table)];
int bytesWritten = MyTable.Serializer.Write(buffer, table);
var parsed = MyTable.Serializer.Parse(buffer);

your example:image
but after generate cs file by fbs :

fs_serializer? i miss it,let me try again

holy shit ,it works, fantasy ,what a amzing attibutte "fs_serializer"

Thank you for your patience to answer

i will tell other people that it also work in unity ,nice code

Thank you :) I hope that FlatSharp works well for you. Please read the wiki and samples. There are lots more features that FlatSharp supports!