jakezatecky / react-checkbox-tree

A simple and elegant checkbox tree for React.

Home Page:https://jakezatecky.github.io/react-checkbox-tree/

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For checkbox color related

imfarruk opened this issue · comments

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Hi jake..
your work is great. can you tell me how to change the checkbox color to #f5d792 if i want to change.. is it possible to change.i used accent-color: #f5d792 ..but it'll not affect

The icon colors use the regular color CSS attribute. So, to change all checkbox icon colors, you would do:

.rct-icon-uncheck {
    color: #f5d792;

Your images did not load. I suspect that is because you replied by email.

However, I see what you mean now. The accent-color property supports a limited subset of HTML elements. Since this component uses custom icons, that property does not apply. However, you do have a couple options.

You could emulate the accent effect by setting a background color to the ::before pseudo-element for those check icons. It is not perfect, as it does spill a little outside of the box, but it is fairly close:

.rct-icon-half-check::before {
  background: #f5d792;


Alternatively, you can pass the property nativeCheckboxes={true} to the tree component such that it uses the native HTML checkboxes. In that case, the accent-color property would work:

.rct-node input[type="checkbox"] {
  accent-color: #f5d792;
