jakezatecky / react-checkbox-tree

A simple and elegant checkbox tree for React.

Home Page:https://jakezatecky.github.io/react-checkbox-tree/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi doubts about some features

shashika18923 opened this issue · comments

Please include a clear and concise description of the feature or enhancement you would like to have added to the project.

I'm going to use this tree view component for my project sir, before that I have some doubts to clarify,

  1. is this component support to the lazy loading
  2. is this component have functions to identify node by giving its id as an example finding parent node of specific children node.
  3. can we change the image icon of the elements.
  4. is this component supporting to hooks

those are the doubts and still waiting for your respective reply

thank you,

  1. No support for lazy-loading yet
  2. No pre-built search functions, but you can use node.parent when the onCheck event fires
  3. Yes, all icons can be changed using the icons property
  4. There are no built-in hooks for this component