jakearchibald / idb-keyval

A super-simple-small promise-based keyval store implemented with IndexedDB

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[Unhandled promise rejection: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: indexedDB] at node_modules/idb-keyval/dist/compat.cjs:34:12 in createStore

carlnx opened this issue · comments

Well... now another issue that I did not understand :(

When I use parse (see code), it happens the error:

[Unhandled promise rejection: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: indexedDB]
at node_modules/idb-keyval/dist/compat.cjs:34:12 in createStore

The code that calls this error:

import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage';

const bdParse = () => {
    const Parse = require('parse/react-native.js');
    Parse.masterKey = 'xxxxxxxxx';
    Parse.serverURL = 'https://xxxx.xzxxx.xxx.xx.xx/parse';
    return Parse;

Any ideas? :(

Originally posted by @carlnx in #144 (comment)

This isn't enough of an example for me to debug this. Eg, the "code that calls this error" doesn't reference idb-keyval at all, so I have no idea how it's called or loaded.

I suspect it's being run in a non-browser environment, but I'm just guessing.

Please create a minimal reproducible example (https://stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-example). Ideally, the example should be accessible somewhere public, like jsbin, Glitch, jsfiddle, codepen etc etc.

I'll reopen this issue once the details are provided.

@carlnx @jakearchibald I have got the same issue and I've added a minimal example below.


Thank You.

Does React Native run in a browser context? What origin does it run code in? As in, what's window.origin?

Same error here. Have you found a solution?

@tiavina-mika can you answer my question above? #145 (comment)

@jakearchibald , I'm not @tiavina-mika , but my code runs in React Native with Expo configured for Android and iOS, without web. I do not know if it helps you.

idb-keyval has a hard dependency on IndexedDB, which is a web API. It won't run in a non-web context unless you're polyfilling web APIs.

@jakearchibald how to achieve that? I'm in a React Native (IOS, Android) project

I need someone to answer the following questions:

  1. When you see the error, is the code running in the context of a web browser or web view? If you don't know what that means, it would be useful to know the result of console.log(typeof self) and console.log(typeof self.indexedDB).
  2. If the code is running in the context of a web browser or web view, what's the value of self.origin. As in, what is logged via console.log(self.origin)?

@jakearchibald here is the values of self:

  "process": {
    "env": {
      "NODE_ENV": "development"
  "__DEV__": true,
  "__BUNDLE_START_TIME__": 42465743.3403,
  "__jsiExecutorDescription": "<JSCRuntime@0xae4a42b0>",
  "nativeFlushQueueImmediate": [Function nativeFlushQueueImmediate],
  "nativeCallSyncHook": [Function nativeCallSyncHook],
  "nativeLoggingHook": [Function nativeLoggingHook],
  "nativePerformanceNow": [Function nativePerformanceNow],
  "__r": [Function metroRequire],
  "__d": [Function define],
  "__c": [Function clear],
  "__registerSegment": [Function registerSegment],
  "$RefreshReg$": [Function anonymous],
  "$RefreshSig$": [Function anonymous],
  "__accept": [Function metroHotUpdateModule],
  "ErrorUtils": {
    "applyWithGuard": [Function applyWithGuard],
    "applyWithGuardIfNeeded": [Function applyWithGuardIfNeeded],
    "getGlobalHandler": [Function getGlobalHandler],
    "guard": [Function guard],
    "inGuard": [Function inGuard],
    "reportError": [Function reportError],
    "reportFatalError": [Function reportFatalError],
    "setGlobalHandler": [Function setGlobalHandler],
  "GLOBAL": [Object],
  "window": [Object],
  "self": [Object],
  "performance": {
    "now": [Function anonymous],
  "__fbGenNativeModule": [Function genModule],
  "originalRegeneratorRuntime": {
    "AsyncIterator": [Function AsyncIterator],
    "async": [Function anonymous],
    "awrap": [Function anonymous],
    "isGeneratorFunction": [Function anonymous],
    "keys": [Function anonymous],
    "mark": [Function anonymous],
    "values": [Function values],
    "wrap": [Function wrap],
  "alert": [Function anonymous],
  "navigator": {
    "geolocation": {
      "clearWatch": [Function clearWatch],
      "getCurrentPosition": [Function anonymous],
      "stopObserving": [Function stopObserving],
      "watchPosition": [Function anonymous],
    "product": "ReactNative",
  "__fetchSegment": [Function __fetchSegment],
  "__getSegment": [Function __getSegment],
  "setTimeout": [Function setTimeout],
  "clearTimeout": [Function clearTimeout],
  "setImmediate": [Function setImmediate],
  "clearImmediate": [Function clearImmediate],
  "Intl": {
    "PluralRules": [Function PluralRules],
  "Blob": [Function Blob],
  "Headers": [Function Headers],
  "Request": [Function Request],
  "Response": [Function Response],
  "fetch": [Function fetch],
  "__reanimatedWorkletInit": [Function anonymous],
  "_setGlobalConsole": [Function anonymous],
  "_WORKLET": false,
  "_log": [Function anonymous],
  "XMLHttpRequest": [Function XMLHttpRequest],
  "WebSocket": [Function WebSocket],
  "Buffer": [Function Buffer],
  "__blobCollectorProvider": [Function __blobCollectorProvider],
  "URLSearchParams": [Function URLSearchParams],
  "FileReader": [Function FileReader],
  "regeneratorRuntime": {
    "AsyncIterator": [Function AsyncIterator],
    "async": [Function anonymous],
    "awrap": [Function anonymous],
    "isGeneratorFunction": [Function anonymous],
    "keys": [Function anonymous],
    "mark": [Function anonymous],
    "values": [Function values],
    "wrap": [Function wrap],
  "setInterval": [Function setInterval],
  "clearInterval": [Function clearInterval],
  "requestAnimationFrame": [Function requestAnimationFrame],
  "cancelAnimationFrame": [Function cancelAnimationFrame],
  "requestIdleCallback": [Function requestIdleCallback],
  "cancelIdleCallback": [Function cancelIdleCallback],
  "FormData": [Function FormData],
  "File": [Function File],
  "URL": [Function URL],
  "AbortController": [Function AbortController],
  "AbortSignal": [Function AbortSignal],

console.log(typeof self.indexedDB) and console.log(self.origin) return undefined

here is the warning message from console:

console.log(typeof self.indexedDB) and console.log(self.origin) return undefined

That's what I needed.

idb-keyval is a library built on top of the web standard storage IndexedDB (that's why it's called idb-keyval). As such, this is a library intended to run in an environment that sufficiently implements IndexedDB, such as a browser.

React native is not a web-compatible environment, so this library will not work.

I'm not a React native developer, so I can't recommend an alternative storage library for you. React native's docs suggest looking at https://reactnative.directory/?search=storage. I have no idea if any of those work.